
East Asia

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South Korea's Silenced Speak

South Korea's Silenced Speak

South Korea’s patriarchal society has often pressured victims of sexual crimes to keep quiet. But a blockbuster movie revealing the abuse of children could help change this.

Should Asia Try to Rescue Europe?

Should Asia Try to Rescue Europe?

China can’t be expected to lead a rescue of Europe’s teetering economy. But as the risk of pain in Asia grows, some kind of concerted effort is looking essential.

Yes, China Could Have a Global Navy

Yes, China Could Have a Global Navy

The idea that Chinese strategists are too limited in their thinking to have a world-straddling navy is misplaced, argues James Holmes.

Ensuring China’s Peaceful Rise

Ensuring China’s Peaceful Rise

The best approach to China’s increased maritime assertiveness is to reinforce U.S. military alliances in Asia. It’s the most cost-effective way, too.

Why Russia Needs Asia Master Plan

Why Russia Needs Asia Master Plan

If Russia is going to have real influence in the Asia-Pacific it needs to show that it’s interested in working with Asia, not against it. But is it an opportunity or a threat?

How to Solve the Taiwan Conundrum

How to Solve the Taiwan Conundrum

Taiwanese are happy to keep the status quo indefinitely. If China’s leaders can accept that, they might find a solution that keeps everyone happy.

Is China’s Africa Safari Faltering?

Is China’s Africa Safari Faltering?

China’s willingness to invest in Africa’s has benefited the continent as well as itself. But if it doesn’t respond to growing mass political consciousness, it may all unravel.

North Korea’s Other Weapons Threat

North Korea’s Other Weapons Threat

International attention is usually focused on North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. But Pyongyang’s growing chemical and biological weapons capabilities are worrying Seoul.

China’s Cyber Moves Hurting Beijing

China’s Cyber Moves Hurting Beijing

China isn’t the only country engaged in cyber espionage. But perceptions of its increased activity risk undermining its soft power diplomacy.

Swimming Naked in China

Swimming Naked in China

With the Chinese government tightening credit, the massive leakage from the formal banking sector into the ‘shadow system’ ultimately risks sinking the country’s financial system.

Japan’s Future in the Balance

Japan’s Future in the Balance

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has a chance to rescue Japan’s economy with a key free trade agreement. Failure to seize it could result in terminal decline.

We Need Intrusive North Korea Aid

We Need Intrusive North Korea Aid

Outside aid has failed to help a starving North Korean populace. If aid agencies are serious about helping they should make sure Kim Jong-il’s regime accounts for what it receives.

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