
Central Asia

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How Does Central Asia Cooperate With Iran to Access World Markets?

How Does Central Asia Cooperate With Iran to Access World Markets?

By Nargiza Umarova
In Iran, the countries of Central Asia – particularly Uzbekistan – see an opportunity to diversity trade routes.
Central Asians in the Crosshairs of Russia’s Ever-Evolving Migration Regime

Central Asians in the Crosshairs of Russia’s Ever-Evolving Migration Regime

By Catherine Putz
New bills speeding up the deportation process and insisting on military registration for new citizens are predicted to spark a “migration crisis” that will largely impact Central Asia.

From Migrants to Militants: Domestic Roots of Central Asian Jihadism in Russia

From Migrants to Militants: Domestic Roots of Central Asian Jihadism in Russia

By Uran Botobekov
The political, socioeconomic, and religious factors driving the radicalization of Central Asian and Caucasian Muslims in Russia are clearly domestic, rather than influenced by the West.

Uzbekistan Sets October Date for Parliamentary Elections

Uzbekistan Sets October Date for Parliamentary Elections

By Catherine Putz
Uzbeks will cast ballots for the 150-member Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis under a new mixed electoral system.

The ‘Corridorizing’ of Asia: Cooperation, Competition, and Consequences

The ‘Corridorizing’ of Asia: Cooperation, Competition, and Consequences

By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
Intense competition, epitomized by competing “corridors,” is emerging in Asia and beyond between the U.S., China, and Russia. 
Why Are Women Forbidden From Wearing Hijab In Uzbekistan’s Schools?

Why Are Women Forbidden From Wearing Hijab In Uzbekistan’s Schools?

By Gulnoz Mamarasulova
As the next school year approaches, it seems some officials are trying to pressure teachers and students to uncover. It’s a violation of their rights. 

What Explains the Declining Reputation of Higher Education in Uzbekistan?

What Explains the Declining Reputation of Higher Education in Uzbekistan?

By Niginakhon Saida
There are many factors, but ultimately a college diploma no longer guarantees employment and the youth of Uzbekistan are skeptical of its necessity.
The Risks of China’s Loans to Uzbekistan

The Risks of China’s Loans to Uzbekistan

By Anastasia Galimova, Yura Park, Ch.Sabyrbek, and Navruz Karimov
The China Development Bank alone has loaned $2.2 billion to Uzbekistan, but there is virtually no publicly available information on the lending terms.

What Is the SCO Doing Wrong? Lessons From ASEAN and SAARC

What Is the SCO Doing Wrong? Lessons From ASEAN and SAARC

By Peter Krasnopolsky
The dynamics of the SCO are more similar to that of SAARC as opposed to the smooth-talking, consensus-seeking ASEAN way.

Will the CSTO, Russia’s Answer to NATO, Expand?

Will the CSTO, Russia’s Answer to NATO, Expand?

By Janko Šćepanović
Not so fast. Rather than grow, Moscow’s military bloc is poised to shrink. 

Brides Too Soon: The Rising Trend of Early Marriages in Uzbekistan

Brides Too Soon: The Rising Trend of Early Marriages in Uzbekistan

By Niginakhon Saida
Early marriages are on the rise, primarily driven by a growing scarcity of eligible brides.
The Stati v Kazakhstan Saga Ends

The Stati v Kazakhstan Saga Ends

By Paolo Sorbello
The parties said they reached a settlement more than a decade after arbitration proceedings started.

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