
Central Asia

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Iran’s Untenable Economy

Iran’s Untenable Economy

With spiralling inflation, Iran’s economy is in need of rebalancing. Poor implementation of vital reforms is undermining government claims of success.

Iran and Turkey Circle Syria

Iran and Turkey Circle Syria

With pressure growing on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step aside, will Iran continue to support his crackdown?

The Dangerous Afghan Drawdown

The Dangerous Afghan Drawdown

Obama claimed that the light of peace could be seen in Afghanistan. But conflicting agendas among the main players leaves its future uncertain.

Hanging with Kabul’s ‘Invisibles’

Hanging with Kabul’s ‘Invisibles’

The attack this week on the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul is a reminder of the daily dangers expat workers face. Aid groups aren’t taking any chances.

Ahmadinejad on the Ropes

Ahmadinejad on the Ropes

Tensions between the president and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have been bubbling to the surface. Ahmadinejad is running out of options.

How the US Should Exit Afghanistan

How the US Should Exit Afghanistan

The announcements of a drawdown of US troops and talks with the Taliban are welcome. But Obama’s Afghanistan policy is still muddled.

Why the ‘Anti-NATO’ Won’t Grow

Why the ‘Anti-NATO’ Won’t Grow

The 10th anniversary of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation failed to come up with anything new. It’s members kind of like it that way.

US Mood Shifts on Afghanistan

The US is set to announce details of the drawdown of troops from Afghanistan next week. Balancing the generals and growing antiwar sentiment isn’t easy.

If Bahrain Erupts

If Bahrain Erupts

A flare-up in Bahrain could spark a regional conflict between Sunnis and Shias. If it did, the US would be left with the question of how to handle China.

ISAF’s Latest Ally

ISAF’s Latest Ally

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev is keen to contribute to the peacekeeping force in Afghanistan. It’s all about his own standing, though.

Why to Accept Iran’s Talks Offer

Why to Accept Iran’s Talks Offer

Ahmadinejad’s offer to return to talks over Iran’s nuclear programme may not be sincere. But accepting it may be the least bad option.

Inside Iran’s Fight for Supremacy

Inside Iran’s Fight for Supremacy

Claims of witchcraft and sorcery, firings and reinstatements – who will win the battle of wills between the Supreme Leader and President Ahmadinejad?

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