
Central Asia

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Beginning of the End in Afghanistan

Beginning of the End in Afghanistan

With public support tumbling and politicians on all sides keen to find a way out, the Obama administration has been quietly changing tack.

When Two Tribes Go to War

When Two Tribes Go to War

Mustafa Qadri finds out for himself during a night patrol with members of an anti-Taliban militia in Pakistan that it’s kill or be killed.

Back to the Drawing Board on Iran

Back to the Drawing Board on Iran

A new US intelligence estimate shies from accusing Iran of restarting pursuit of a nuclear bomb. But Arab world unrest has strengthened its hand.

Decision Time in Afghanistan

Decision Time in Afghanistan

Arab world unrest shouldn’t distract from the looming abyss of the Afghan War. The US should welcome a Turkish move to engage the Taliban.

How Kyrgyzstan Sees Jasmine Unrest

How Kyrgyzstan Sees Jasmine Unrest

The kind of unrest seen in the Arab world is familiar to many Kyrgyzstanis. But the hard work comes after revolution, says Erica Marat.

Five Lions in Afghanistan

Five Lions in Afghanistan

The Panjshir Valley is an oasis of calm in war-torn Afghanistan. Could a colourful history one day help to make it a tourism hotspot?

Echoes of Cairo In Tehran

Echoes of Cairo In Tehran

Iran’s reformist Green Movement looks like it’s beginning to regroup. But is President Obama paying attention?

Kazakhstan’s Political Theatre

Kazakhstan’s Political Theatre

By Joshua Kucera
Is Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev developing a soft spot for democracy in his old age? Don’t hold your breath, says Joshua Kucera.

Can Afghanistan Afford to Survive?

Can Afghanistan Afford to Survive?

Despite the Obama administration’s claims of success, Afghanistan is in a guerrilla war that might be too expensive for the country to win, argues Juan Cole in our feature interview.

A Glimmer of Hope Over Iran?

A Glimmer of Hope Over Iran?

The latest round of P5+1 talks over Iran’s nuclear programme broke up without agreement. But things might not be as bad as they look.

The Importance of Bahrain

The Importance of Bahrain

US policymakers wanting to contain Iran’s regional influence should take note of Saudi Arabia’s active courting of its neighbour.

It Just Got Worse in Afghanistan

It Just Got Worse in Afghanistan

Hamid Karzai’s decision to postpone the inauguration of the new parliament deepens what was already a political crisis, argues Robert Dreyfuss.

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