
Central Asia

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WikiLeaks’ Awkward Reading for Iran

The interesting thing about the revelations over Iran’s neighbours is just how far they’d go to stop it from acquiring a nuclear bomb.

US Hardliners Lose Ground on Iran?

US Hardliners Lose Ground on Iran?

With growing speculation that the Obama administration might allow Iran to continue enriching uranium, is a deal back on the cards?

Who’s Next on Ahmadinejad’s List?

Who’s Next on Ahmadinejad’s List?

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has managed to dispense with two high-profile opponents. Who’s next in his crosshairs?

How Sanctions Can Work With Iran

How Sanctions Can Work With Iran

Augmenting sanctions could still help deter Iran from pursuing a nuclear weapon, says Michael Rubin on the sidelines of the Valdai conference in Malta. But don’t rule out force yet.

Russia Challenges US Mid-East Role

Russia Challenges US Mid-East Role

Russia’s interest in boosting its role in Middle East peace efforts was clear at the Valdai conference. It’s losing faith in US efforts.

Time to Talk (Properly) to Iran

Iran is almost certain to go for a full enrichment programme. But the West should still talk to it, says Abdullah Baabood.

That Stubborn Euro-Asia Divide

That Stubborn Euro-Asia Divide

By Richard Weitz
Kazakhstan misses a chance to use the first OSCE summit in a decade to bridge the security gap between Europe and Central Asia.
Iran and the P5+1: Dual Track Clash

Iran and the P5+1: Dual Track Clash

With suspicion high on all sides, the latest round of talks on Iran's nuclear programme look doomed before they start. So why is anyone bothering?

Afghanistan’s Forgotten Province

Afghanistan’s Forgotten Province

Nine years after the first post-Taliban UN talks on Afghanistan were concluded in Bonn, one border province is still left oddly isolated.

Violence in Tajikistan

Violence in Tajikistan

By Joshua Kucera
A wave of violence in Tajikistan is raising fears that the government is losing control of parts of the country. It’s a dangerous development in unstable Central Asia.

The Missing Ayatollah

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei wants his son to succeed him. But does a trip reminiscent of Prophet Muhammad’s also reveal something about his health?

The US and its ‘Friendly’ Dictator

The US and its ‘Friendly’ Dictator

Despite his country’s woeful human rights record, the US military still indulges Uzbekistan’s president. Don’t expect a change soon.

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