Central Asia
Mongolia: Moving Beyond Financial Incentives to Meet Energy Efficiency Goals
By Rachel Thibeault, Tajwar Arnab, Clarence Lau, and Tong Zhang
Non-financial incentives could prove useful for increasing energy efficiency in developing countries with tight budgets. Mongolia is a prime example.
Alleged ISKP Plot Foiled in Russia, 2 Kazakh Citizens Killed
By Catherine Putz
Kazakh authorities have confirmed the citizenship of two men killed in an FSB raid in Russia last week, allegedly forestalling an ISKP attack.
The Middle Corridor: A Renaissance in Global Commerce
By Hunter Stoll
Although the Middle Corridor offers promise, its journey toward becoming a viable strategic alternative to existing trade routes will be met with tough challenges.
With Journalists Behind Bars, Kyrgyzstan Enters New Era of Repression
By Ilya Lozovsky
The authorities have accused Temirov Live, a respected investigative outlet, of inciting mass unrest, and jailed nearly a dozen of its current and former employees.
Tajikistan’s Epidemic of Domestic Violence Against Women
By Mia Tarp Nurmagambetova
At the highest level, the problem lies unaddressed: powerful representatives of state bodies have failed to strongly and publicly condemn domestic violence.
Russian Gas Supplies to Uzbekistan Set to Grow
By Catherine Putz
As the “Central Asia gas union” solidifies on the back of high demand, political and corruption risks linger.
Kyrgyzstan’s Repressive Turn Lands Bishkek on CIVICUS Watchlist
By Catherine Putz
The watchdog says Kyrgyz authorities are “cracking down on dissent with unprecedented severity”
Blackouts in Tajikistan Highlight Energy Woes
By Catherine Putz
Tajikistan confronts many of the same issues as neighboring Kyrgyzstan, where water levels at critical reservoirs are approaching dangerous lows.
Worrying Water Levels at Kyrgyzstan’s Critical Toktogul Reservoir
By Catherine Putz
Officials have again urged consumers to use less electricity as the reservoir’s water levels drop closer to a concerning ‘dead’ level.
Comparing Chinese and Indian Energy Security Strategies in Central Asia
By Kashif Hasan Khan and Marin Ekstrom
In terms of energy security, China is currently edging out India for influence in Central Asia.
Beaten, Threatened and ‘Outed’: The Ordeals of LGBTQ+ People in Tajikistan
By Alva Omarova
The Tajik authorities portray themselves as protectors of morality, and adopt harsh measures to prevent LGBTQ+ people from living their lives.
Italian Insurer Buttresses Russian Gas Investment in Uzbekistan
By Paolo Sorbello
A series of investigations links Italy’s state funds with Gazprombank.