
Central Asia

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How Tajikistan and Uzbekistan Are Resolving Transport Connectivity Issues

How Tajikistan and Uzbekistan Are Resolving Transport Connectivity Issues

By Nargiza Umarova
Despite the potential for a conflict of interests on the transport and transit track, it is still beneficial for Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to cooperate rather than compete.
The View From the Ground: China’s Evolving Strategy in South and Central Asia

The View From the Ground: China’s Evolving Strategy in South and Central Asia

By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
China’s growing footprint in South and Central Asia has been made possible by the influx of grants, loans, mergers, and economic concessions for projects.

The Power of Names: Turkiye’s Shift From Central Asia to Turkestan

The Power of Names: Turkiye’s Shift From Central Asia to Turkestan

By Mehmet Fatih Oztarsu
Ankara continues to strengthen its bid for influence in the region by stressing historical and cultural ties. 

Is There a Future for Central Asia’s Indian Ocean Transport Projects?

Is There a Future for Central Asia’s Indian Ocean Transport Projects?

By Eldaniz Gusseinov
The viability of the projects depends on the region's ability to navigate geopolitical tensions, security challenges, and economic uncertainties.

Can China’s Global South Strategy Achieve Its Objectives in Central Asia?

Can China’s Global South Strategy Achieve Its Objectives in Central Asia?

By Chan Young Bang
China’s foreign policy toward Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan has had contrasting results over the years.
Trial of 11 Journalists in Kyrgyzstan Ends in Prison Sentences and Acquittals

Trial of 11 Journalists in Kyrgyzstan Ends in Prison Sentences and Acquittals

By Catherine Putz
Of the 11 journalists charged in a case that has drawn heavy criticism, two received prison sentences, two probation, and seven were acquitted.

Uzbekistan’s Upcoming Parliamentary Elections: A Chance for Change?

Uzbekistan’s Upcoming Parliamentary Elections: A Chance for Change?

By Mirshohid Aslanov
From tackling corruption to enhancing public services, people of Uzbekistan are clear about their priorities.
Commonwealth of Independent States Gathers in Moscow for Annual Heads of State Meeting

Commonwealth of Independent States Gathers in Moscow for Annual Heads of State Meeting

By Catherine Putz
Putin characterized cooperation within the CIS as “one of the Russian Federation's top foreign policy priorities.”

Maintenance Work Brings Down Oil Production at Kazakhstan’s Kashagan

Maintenance Work Brings Down Oil Production at Kazakhstan’s Kashagan

By Catherine Putz
Despite Kazakhstan’s efforts to reschedule the Kashagan maintenance, the drop in production conveniently forces Astana to meet commitments it has made to OPEC+ to reduce oil production. 

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan: New Domestic Violence Laws and the Protection of Children

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan: New Domestic Violence Laws and the Protection of Children

By Christopher von Claparede-Niemann
Every child in Central Asia deserves to grow up in an environment free from violence, where protection is not only a policy, but a reality.

Nuclear Power Referendum Passes in Kazakhstan

Nuclear Power Referendum Passes in Kazakhstan

By Catherine Putz
Critics argue that the Kazakh people were presented a largely one-sided positive view of the referendum, making the victory of the “yes” camp unsurprising. 
Why Are the US Presidential Elections Relevant for Central Asia?

Why Are the US Presidential Elections Relevant for Central Asia?

By Akilbek Tilavoldiev
The U.S. presidential elections have always had a significant impact on the foreign policies of various countries, including relations with the states of Central Asia.     

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