
East Asia

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Ma Ying-jeou’s Trip to China Sparks Pushback – From Taiwanese and Chinese Alike

Ma Ying-jeou’s Trip to China Sparks Pushback – From Taiwanese and Chinese Alike

By Hemant Adlakha
Beijing approves of Ma Ying-jeou’s historic 12-day journey into China, but a segment of the Chinese public sees Ma as a “pro-independence” traitor.
South Korea’s ‘Three Axis’ Defense System Is in Trouble

South Korea’s ‘Three Axis’ Defense System Is in Trouble

By Jihoon Yu and Erik French
As deterrence by denial becomes less feasible, South Korea must double down on “Korean Massive Punishment and Retaliation.”

Honduras’ China Switch and the Aftershocks

Honduras’ China Switch and the Aftershocks

By Wang Linbin
Honduras has officially terminated diplomatic relations with Taipei and embraced Beijing instead. Given China’s positioning in Latin America, this is not an isolated event.

Xi-Putin Meeting: Deepening Ties or a Necessary Bond?

Xi-Putin Meeting: Deepening Ties or a Necessary Bond?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Despite the visit, what Russia and China will be willing to do for each other beyond diplomatic comfort remains to be seen.

Hong Kong Is Trying to Salvage Its Image. Who Is It Fooling?

Hong Kong Is Trying to Salvage Its Image. Who Is It Fooling?

By Eric Lai
The government is eager to tell “a good Hong Kong story” – but actions speak louder than words.
North Korea Fires 2 SRBMs Amid South Korea-US Marine Drills

North Korea Fires 2 SRBMs Amid South Korea-US Marine Drills

By Mitch Shin
North Korea continued launching ballistic missiles as South Korea and the United States carried out their large-scale Ssangyong exercise.

China’s Conundrum and the Pottery Barn Rule 

China’s Conundrum and the Pottery Barn Rule 

By Alexander C. Tan and Neel Vanvari
“You break it, you own it”: China has broken many of its relationships with its neighbors; now Beijing must own the results.
China’s Uneven Military, Political, and Commercial Advance in Panama

China’s Uneven Military, Political, and Commercial Advance in Panama

By R. Evan Ellis
Since establishing ties in 2017, China has invested significant effort in Panama and made important, if uneven, progress in building influence.

The Future of State-Sponsored AI Research in China

The Future of State-Sponsored AI Research in China

By Shaoshan Liu
The fundamental mindset of Chinese tech companies is still driven by short-term profit, and they have always looked to the state to sponsor technological leaps.

Upgraded Philippines-US Military Cooperation May Cause a Setback in China-Philippines Relations

Upgraded Philippines-US Military Cooperation May Cause a Setback in China-Philippines Relations

By Nian Peng
Beijing is paying close attention to the rapid developments in the Philippines-U.S. alliance, and China is not happy with what it sees.

The AUKUS Partners Explain Their Phased Approach. What Are the Risks?

The AUKUS Partners Explain Their Phased Approach. What Are the Risks?

By Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
The three partners have explained how the submarine cooperation initiative will move ahead. What are the risks?
Yoon and Kishida Are Fumbling South Korea-Japan Rapprochement 

Yoon and Kishida Are Fumbling South Korea-Japan Rapprochement 

By Joel Atkinson
With Yoon and Kishida less than ideal midwives to a new relationship, there’s a real need for Washington to help move things along.

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