
East Asia

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Diplomacy Under Different Rules: How an NGO Dictates American Diplomacy in Taiwan

Diplomacy Under Different Rules: How an NGO Dictates American Diplomacy in Taiwan

By Rachel Bernstein and Scott Singer
A primer on the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), and how it influences the delicate China-Taiwan-U.S. triangle.
How Should South Korea’s Next President Approach OPCON Transfer?

How Should South Korea’s Next President Approach OPCON Transfer?

By Sukjoon Yoon
Let's hope that the next president does not paint themselves into a corner on OPCON transfer, as President Moon Jae-in unfortunately did.

China Aiding Myanmar Armed Groups in Their COVID-19 Fight

China Aiding Myanmar Armed Groups in Their COVID-19 Fight

By Sebastian Strangio
Beijing has long maintained close relations to the ethnic armed groups lying along its borders with Myanmar.

Did Mongolia Give up on Winning a UN Security Council Seat?

Did Mongolia Give up on Winning a UN Security Council Seat?

By Ulrika Möller and Julian Dierkes
Any mention of Mongolia's candidacy was notably absent from President Khurelsukh’s U.N. speech. Does that pave the way for Japan to win a nonpermanent seat in the U.N. Security Council?

Star General Chang Dingqiu Takes Command of China’s Air Force

Star General Chang Dingqiu Takes Command of China’s Air Force

By Marcus Clay and Rod Lee
Is he the commander that the People’s Liberation Army Air Force has been waiting for?
At UN, Moon Again Calls for Declaration to End the Korean War

At UN, Moon Again Calls for Declaration to End the Korean War

By Mitch Shin
Moon wants to lead cooperation among neighboring countries to tackle Korean Peninsula issues, but there is little interest from the other parties.

What Will Japan’s New Prime Minister Mean for the Economy?

What Will Japan’s New Prime Minister Mean for the Economy?

By Anthony Fensom
The markets are backing the maverick Kono to prevail as the LDP presidential race heats up.
China’s ‘Common Prosperity’: The Maoism of Xi Jinping

China’s ‘Common Prosperity’: The Maoism of Xi Jinping

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Ming Xia.

China’s Xi, Like Biden Hours Earlier, Turns to Calm Language in UN Remarks

China’s Xi, Like Biden Hours Earlier, Turns to Calm Language in UN Remarks

By Ted Anthony
In a pre-recorded speech, Xi reiterated China’s commitment to “dialogue and cooperation” and refrained from criticizing the U.S. by name.

Taiwan Applies for CPTPP Membership

Taiwan Applies for CPTPP Membership

By Shannon Tiezzi
Taiwan is a natural fit for the CPTPP in economic terms, but its bid will likely face intense opposition from China.

Don’t Count China Out of the CPTPP

Don’t Count China Out of the CPTPP

By Joseph Cash
The now-frozen trade deal with the EU shows China can be willing to push the boundaries of reform into areas that might surprise observers.
Where Are Japan’s Policy Entrepreneurs?

Where Are Japan’s Policy Entrepreneurs?

By Jake Northey
For all the focus on Japan’s ruling LDP, some of Japan’s most influential policy innovators aren’t found within government at all.

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