
East Asia

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Deconstructing China’s Interest in the Niger-Benin Rapprochement

Deconstructing China’s Interest in the Niger-Benin Rapprochement

By Samir Bhattacharya
Beijing’s motivations concerning the conflict resolution in Niger include a mix of economic, political and reputational drivers.
China-Israel Relations: Caught in a Downward Spiral

China-Israel Relations: Caught in a Downward Spiral

By Hongda Fan
Official relations and public perceptions have both taken huge damage since the October 7 attack by Hamas and Israel’s massive military deployment in Gaza.

With Military Drills, Info Ops, China Steps up Gray Zone Pressure on Taiwan’s New Government

With Military Drills, Info Ops, China Steps up Gray Zone Pressure on Taiwan’s New Government

By Sze-Fung Lee
It’s time to pursue cross-domain deterrence against China’s hybrid warfare in the Taiwan Strait. 

The Bipartisan Clash Over US Electric Vehicle Policy

The Bipartisan Clash Over US Electric Vehicle Policy

By Yingfan Chen and Dingding Chen
The Biden administration’s strategy to compete with China’s dominance hasn’t won buy-in from Republicans, who are skeptical about the entire industry.

Osaka Will Host the 2025 World Expo. Can Japan Pull It Off?

Osaka Will Host the 2025 World Expo. Can Japan Pull It Off?

By Thisanka Siripala
Japan is pushing a PR campaign for the embattled Osaka Expo in 2025, despite waning public enthusiasm.
Georgia’s Tacit Pivot to China

Georgia’s Tacit Pivot to China

By Ketevan Chincharadze
China emerges as the Georgian government’s prudent alternative to Russia and the West as it deals with civil upheaval over the alleged pro-Russian “foreign agents” bill.

Mongolia’s Political Parties Showcase Candidates for the 2024 Parliamentary Election

Mongolia’s Political Parties Showcase Candidates for the 2024 Parliamentary Election

By Bolor Lkhaajav
As Mongolia goes to its first election with an enlarged parliament and new mixed representation electoral system, parties are including more diverse and young candidates.
Will Frozen China-South Korea Relations Thaw as Seoul Hosts Upcoming Trilateral Summit?

Will Frozen China-South Korea Relations Thaw as Seoul Hosts Upcoming Trilateral Summit?

By Seong-Hyon Lee
Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s expected visit for the summit will be a crucial indicator of the future of strained Seoul-Beijing relations under South Korea’s pro-U.S. President Yoon Suk-yeol.

Vatican Makes Fresh Overture to China, Reaffirms That Catholic Church Is No Threat to Sovereignty

Vatican Makes Fresh Overture to China, Reaffirms That Catholic Church Is No Threat to Sovereignty

By Nicole Winfield
The Vatican hosted the head of China’s bishops conference for an unprecedented, high-level commemoration of a 1924 meeting in Shanghai.

Tens of Thousands Protest Bill to Expand Legislative Power in Taiwan

Tens of Thousands Protest Bill to Expand Legislative Power in Taiwan

By Brian Hioe
A move by the KMT and its ally, the TPP, to quickly pass the controversial bill sparked an angry response reminiscent of the 2014 Sunflower Movement.

As Taiwan’s New President Takes Office, Can China Seize Taiwan Without Firing a Single Shot?

As Taiwan’s New President Takes Office, Can China Seize Taiwan Without Firing a Single Shot?

By Chiang Min-yen
A controversial bill in the Legislative Yuan sparks fears of a hostile takeover from within, inspiring mass protests.
New Energy Competition: It’s Politics First for Both US and China

New Energy Competition: It’s Politics First for Both US and China

By Rakshith Shetty
Both China and the U.S. are looking to tariffs and other trade barriers to protect their clean energy industries. The outcome is likely to be a more protectionist world economy.

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