
East Asia

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Why Xi’s Europe Tour Was Seen Positively in Moscow

Why Xi’s Europe Tour Was Seen Positively in Moscow

By Oleg Yanovsky
Russia benefited from China’s successful shuttle diplomacy both in practical ways and because it fit into Moscow’s grand vision for world affairs.
No China-US Trade War This Year, But Uncertainty Ahead in 2025

No China-US Trade War This Year, But Uncertainty Ahead in 2025

By You Wang
The targeted and restrained nature of the latest round of tariffs suggests the U.S. and China are unlikely to engage in a full-scale trade war this year. But the situation remains precarious. 

The Great Debate Over South Korea Developing Nuclear Weapons Is Back

The Great Debate Over South Korea Developing Nuclear Weapons Is Back

By Mitch Shin
Despite a destabilized Korean Peninsula due to North Korean missile developments, acquiring nuclear weapons would be a dead end for Seoul.

Can Japan Boost Its Foreign Students Count to 400,000?

Can Japan Boost Its Foreign Students Count to 400,000?

By Daisuke Akimoto
The Kishida administration has set a lofty goal, even while tightening the regulations for universities that admit international students.

South Korea’s Competitive Advantages as a Global Military Supplier

South Korea’s Competitive Advantages as a Global Military Supplier

By Aswin Lin
Poland is choosing South Korea as a primary partner in defense deals – and it’s not alone.
How Chinese Maoism Intellectually Shaped Modern Palestinian Jihadism

How Chinese Maoism Intellectually Shaped Modern Palestinian Jihadism

By Benjamin R. Young
Mao’s China has had a profound and lasting ideological impact on the Palestinian national movement.

Xi Jinping’s Europe Diplomacy Stalemate

Xi Jinping’s Europe Diplomacy Stalemate

By Chauncey Jung
China has seen very few positive signs in its recent diplomatic engagements with the EU, and key EU members such as France and Germany.
China and Russia Disagree on North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons

China and Russia Disagree on North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons

By Wooyeal Paik
Beijing and Moscow have different perspectives on – and different appetites for – Pyongyang’s nuclear program.

Can Taiwan Block Telegram? 

Can Taiwan Block Telegram? 

By Charles Mok
Taiwan, like many other liberal democracies, is grappling with the question of how to deal with illegal content on internet platforms. 

While Xi and Putin Celebrate Cooperation, Problems Build in China-Russia Ties

While Xi and Putin Celebrate Cooperation, Problems Build in China-Russia Ties

By Björn Alexander Düben
For China, it is increasingly difficult to balance its support for Russia and its ties with Western trading partners.

China’s NATO Anxiety

China’s NATO Anxiety

By Matti Puranen
China sees NATO as an important component of U.S.-led “bloc confrontation” – which it views as a strategy of weaving webs of international coalitions to contain China’s rise.
Independent Trade Unions’ Diminished Voice Threatens Labor Rights in Hong Kong

Independent Trade Unions’ Diminished Voice Threatens Labor Rights in Hong Kong

By Christopher Siu-tat Mung
Under the government’s strict control, independent unions have been devastated, labor protests are prohibited, and opposition to the government’s labor policies has become rare.

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