
East Asia

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Dead in the Water: India’s Push Into the Seas Is Unlikely to Help Matters on Land

Dead in the Water: India’s Push Into the Seas Is Unlikely to Help Matters on Land

By Abhijnan Rej
As the Ladakh crisis crosses the 5-month mark, many in New Delhi are suggesting a radically different approach toward China’s bad behavior.
What to Expect From North Korea’s Military Parade

What to Expect From North Korea’s Military Parade

By Bruce Klingner
Pyongyang is likely preparing to reveal new missiles – and more – during anniversary celebrations on October 10.

Can India Pursue the ‘Strategic Encirclement’ of China?

Can India Pursue the ‘Strategic Encirclement’ of China?

By Mohamed Zeeshan
Pushing back against Chinese behavior in East and Southeast Asia would shore up India's position in the Himalayas.

South Korea Baffled by Stop-and-Search, Police Bus Walls During Protests

South Korea Baffled by Stop-and-Search, Police Bus Walls During Protests

By Tae-jun Kang
Moves to disrupt anti-government protests were justified as a COVID-19 response measure, but many suspect a darker motivation.

What Influences South Korean Perceptions on Immigration?

What Influences South Korean Perceptions on Immigration?

By Timothy S. Rich, Carolyn Brueggemann, Kaitlyn Bison and Michael King
The assumption remains that the public prefers ethnic Korean immigration, but is that true?
US Presidential Elections 2020: The Taiwan Factor

US Presidential Elections 2020: The Taiwan Factor

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Elizabeth Freund Larus.

Taiwan Debates Military Preparedness Measures as Chinese Threats Escalate

Taiwan Debates Military Preparedness Measures as Chinese Threats Escalate

By Nick Aspinwall
Taiwan is considering an increase in reservist call-ups as the U.S. mulls abandoning its longtime policy of “strategic ambiguity.”
What Forced Labor in Xinjiang Means for Supply Chain Due Diligence

What Forced Labor in Xinjiang Means for Supply Chain Due Diligence

By Andrew Samet
Can audit firms actually credibly audit in Xinjiang? Can they actually credibly audit in China at all?

Australia and South Korea Can and Must Deepen Defense Industry Cooperation

Australia and South Korea Can and Must Deepen Defense Industry Cooperation

By Tom Corben
A foundation is being already laid for enhanced collaboration on shared supply chain and R&D challenges.

Australia-Japan-India Trilateral Sets Sights on Supply Chain Resilience

Australia-Japan-India Trilateral Sets Sights on Supply Chain Resilience

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
China’s assertive behavior is the glue that holds the Australia-Japan-India trilateral together.

What Should Be on the Agenda for US-Korea Relations?

What Should Be on the Agenda for US-Korea Relations?

By Troy Stangarone
Americans, in general, have a favorable opinion of South Korea. There’s ample appetite for expanding cooperation along several avenues.
How Can Hong Kong Weather the Storm of Plunging Property Prices?

How Can Hong Kong Weather the Storm of Plunging Property Prices?

By Jason Hung
Between COVID-19 and the new national security law, foreign investors may be losing their taste for the Hong Kong market.

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