
East Asia

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China’s Chilling Cognitive Warfare Plans

China’s Chilling Cognitive Warfare Plans

By IIDA Masafumi
War is entering a new, and very frightening, domain.
Xi in France: What Is There to Celebrate? 

Xi in France: What Is There to Celebrate? 

By Valerie Niquet
The challenge for Paris will be to try to give meaning to a visit that ultimately doesn’t have much to offer.

For First Time, China Publicizes Alleged 2016 South China Sea Agreement With Philippines

For First Time, China Publicizes Alleged 2016 South China Sea Agreement With Philippines

By Christopher Bodeen
A statement from the Chinese Embassy in Manila described a “temporary special arrangement” supposedly agreed to during a visit to Beijing by former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.

The Data Arms Race in China-US Technological Competition

The Data Arms Race in China-US Technological Competition

By Sunny Cheung
The restrictive strategies adopted by both nations are setting precedents for data governance, cybersecurity, and international trade protocols in the digital age.

What a Rising India and a New Japan Could Mean for the Indo-Pacific

What a Rising India and a New Japan Could Mean for the Indo-Pacific

By Anuraag Khaund
As the Japan-U.S. relationship continues to evolve, there emerge distinct synergies between U.S.-Japan and India-Japan initiatives. 
It’s Time for Closer Japan-US Cooperation on Climate Security

It’s Time for Closer Japan-US Cooperation on Climate Security

By Khang Pham
For Japan to be a true “global partner” of the U.S., it needs to closely align its approach to climate change threats with that of its most important ally.

China Signals a Loosening of Data and AI Governance

China Signals a Loosening of Data and AI Governance

By Jonathan Dove
China’s regulators now appear to be shifting the scales in favor of development. Will it last?
Europe and Deterrence in East Asia

Europe and Deterrence in East Asia

By Frans-Paul van der Putten
In order to help prevent a crisis, the EU needs to support the status quo not only between China and Taiwan, but also between China and the United States.

The Reorganization of China’s Space Force: Strategic and Organizational Implications

The Reorganization of China’s Space Force: Strategic and Organizational Implications

By Namrata Goswami
The rationale behind the new “Aerospace Force.”

Despite the ‘De-risking’ Buzz, Some Multinationals Are Doubling Down in China

Despite the ‘De-risking’ Buzz, Some Multinationals Are Doubling Down in China

By Thomas Zhang
In the future we are likely to see fewer new entrants into the Chinese market, while players with established operations there will get bigger and stronger, more focused on serving Chinese consumers and businesses.

Park Yu-ha Speaks out on Her Battle Against Censorship

Park Yu-ha Speaks out on Her Battle Against Censorship

By Kenji Yoshida
After nearly a decade of legal battles, Park was acquitted of defamation for a book that complicated the prevailing narrative on comfort women.
South Korea’s Parliament Approves Independent Investigation of Deadly 2022 Halloween Crush

South Korea’s Parliament Approves Independent Investigation of Deadly 2022 Halloween Crush

By Hyung-jin Kim
The crush that killed 159 people was one of the biggest peacetime disasters in South Korea.

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