
East Asia

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Taiwan: Another Step Towards Integration?

Taiwan: Another Step Towards Integration?

By Shang-su Wu
A new concept adopted by the leading opposition party seems likely to strengthen cross-strait integration.
North Korea: The Problem with Reconciliation Via Engagement

North Korea: The Problem with Reconciliation Via Engagement

By Richard Weitz
Engagement does not have a good track record at producing breakthroughs with Pyongyang.

China’s Shadow Banking Challenge

China’s Shadow Banking Challenge

By James Parker
As the government attempts to rebalance the economy, it will face testing moments in the shadow banking sector.

The Benefits of Being Clear on Taiwan

The Benefits of Being Clear on Taiwan

By Amitai Etzioni
Could making whatever implied understanding exists on Taiwan more explicit reduce tensions in East Asia?

Okinawa & Futenma: Deal Or No Deal?

Okinawa & Futenma: Deal Or No Deal?

By Trefor Moss
Tokyo appears to be on the verge of finally settling the controversial issue. Will it succeed?
U.S.-China Relations and the Western Pacific

U.S.-China Relations and the Western Pacific

By Denny Roy
Maritime assertiveness in 2013 appears to have dashed hopes for a “new kind of great power relations.”

China’s Westward Strategy

China’s Westward Strategy

By Yo-Jung Chen
Beijing is seeking new energy supply routes to its west. Will that influence its eastern strategy?
China’s Crackdown on Cyber Activism

China’s Crackdown on Cyber Activism

By Michael Caster
The government is trying to inhibit the growing power of online activism in China.

The Business of Korean Reconciliation

The Business of Korean Reconciliation

By Paola Subacchi
Despite its flaws, initiatives like Kaesong can contribute to building trust.

Taiwanese Monetary Policy: Between a Rock and Hard Place

Taiwanese Monetary Policy: Between a Rock and Hard Place

By Erik Tollefson
The debate over monetary policy clouds the bigger task facing Taiwan’s economy.

China's Economic Reforms

China's Economic Reforms

By Shannon Tiezzi
The Diplomat speaks with Dr. David Dollar about China's proposed economic reforms.
Why China Wants to ‘Strike the Mountain’ and ‘Kill the Chicken’

Why China Wants to ‘Strike the Mountain’ and ‘Kill the Chicken’

By J. M. Norton
Understanding two critical strategies for Beijing, one internal and one external.

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