
East Asia

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Pivot Out, Rebalance In

Talk of a U.S. pivot toward the Asia-Pacific is being replaced with the idea of a rebalancing. Regardless, U.S. military strategy is taking on an interesting shape.

What Finland Can Teach China

What Finland Can Teach China

A focus on daycare rather than rote learning is why Finnish students have some of the best global test scores. Chinese students might be more creative if they took a leaf out of their book.

Taiwan’s Navy Gets Stealthy

Taiwan’s Navy Gets Stealthy

News that Taiwan is set to get some stealthy fast patrol boats is welcome. But without some daring personnel, it might come to nothing.

Tackling North Korea’s Missile Quest

Tackling North Korea’s Missile Quest

There’s much we don’t know about North Korea’s missile program. But it’s abundantly clear a new defense strategy is called for.

Time for a Fresh Start with Taiwan

Time for a Fresh Start with Taiwan

Britain should rethink its support for the one-China policy, argues Lord Richard Faulkner. China should drop its claims to the island.

Canada’s Head Fake Asia Policy?

Canada’s Head Fake Asia Policy?

Is Canada doing its own pivot toward the Asia-Pacific? It will need to focus more on Southeast Asia if it is serious about one.

Taiwan’s Pointless Toe Treading?

Taiwan’s Pointless Toe Treading?

The Republic of China maintains sweeping claims to the South China Sea. But is it needlessly alienating much-needed potential friends?

Beating "Voldemort Syndrome"

Frank talk about U.S. purpose and power is more likely to deter than provoke conflict with China. Admitting Beijing could be an adversary, and preparing accordingly, is the way forward.

What West Doesn’t Get About China

What West Doesn’t Get About China

The idea that China has a unified vision about its role in the world is misplaced. Excessive focus on nationalist voices, however loud, will do the U.S. and others no favors.

Don’t Return to Korea Status Quo

Don’t Return to Korea Status Quo

Two decades of engagement have gone nowhere with North Korea. It’s time to take steps to undermine the foundations of the regime itself.

Is China Playing a Double Game?

Is China Playing a Double Game?

Reports that a missile launcher originating from China may have been spotted in North Korea could have worrying implications for Beijing’s foreign policy.

EU Should Keep China Arms Embargo

EU Should Keep China Arms Embargo

Some European nations want the 20-year embargo on sales to China lifted. Their arguments are strong, but the arguments for not lifting it are stronger.

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