
East Asia

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EU Should Keep China Arms Embargo

EU Should Keep China Arms Embargo

Some European nations want the 20-year embargo on sales to China lifted. Their arguments are strong, but the arguments for not lifting it are stronger.

Korea: A Model for Southeast Asia?

South Korea’s accomplishments extend beyond its economic growth. Its political shift from authoritarian rule to a vibrant democracy could be a model for some ASEAN countries.

Plugging U.S. Missile Defense Gaps

A series of tactical errors mean North Korea is taking American threats increasingly less seriously. The U.S. has military technical and operational options for changing this quickly.

Can Hong Kong Control Own Fate?

Can Hong Kong Control Own Fate?

This month’s selection of a pro-Beijing chief executive sparked anger in Hong Kong. The city has a long and awkward history of being at the mercy of others.

U.S. Maritime Dominance in Danger

U.S. Maritime Dominance in Danger

The idea that the U.S. can be an aloof offshore balancer in Asia is looking increasingly dated. China will no longer sit idly by and watch its nautical dominance.

Pendulum Swings in South Korea

Pendulum Swings in South Korea

South Korea’s ruling Saenuri Party pulled off a surprise victory in this week’s National Assembly elections. The contest offered some insights into the changing face of politics there.

Why U.S. Military Needs Taiwan

Why U.S. Military Needs Taiwan

AirSea Battle shouldn’t only be about the United States. Working closely with Taiwan could pay dividends and help ensure a stable military balance in the Asia-Pacific.

Time for North Korea Peace Treaty

Time for North Korea Peace Treaty

The Obama administration should avoid doing the same thing over again and expecting different results. A conditional peace treaty would help break the cycle.

Who’s Afraid of Huawei?

Who’s Afraid of Huawei?

The U.S. and Australia have made clear their distrust of one of the world’s biggest telecoms companies. But their lack of transparency over their concerns does no one any favors.

Can Japan Break the Iran Impasse?

Can Japan Break the Iran Impasse?

Former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama is determined to break the impasse over Iran. But does Japan’s government welcome his initiative?

The Great China Exception

The Great China Exception

On religious freedom and the one-child policy, other nations stand quietly by as Beijing abuses its own citizens. They shouldn’t.

The Rise of Global Feudalism

Economies need to get back basics – education, access to capital, rule of law, and labor mobility. Slowing growth in China and India makes clear that consumers are the key to prosperity.

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