
East Asia

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The Curse of China’s Identity Fixation

As China’s leadership prepares for its transition to the fifth generation, a fixation on identity and core interests is a troubling sign for U.S. ties.

China’s Development Diplomacy

China’s Development Diplomacy

Beijing must recognize the consequences of its engagement in countries where peace is fragile and act accordingly. But the West also has a mixed record.

The Leap Day Deal’s Mixed Bag

The Leap Day Deal’s Mixed Bag

The deal reached this week between the U.S. and North Korea is a step forward. But North Korea is well aware of the power of its deterrent.

The Risks of China’s Students

The Risks of China’s Students

Many U.S. universities have been falling over themselves to accept Chinese students. But are they ignoring the dangers of cultural tensions in search of money?

China’s Misguided Religious Battle

China’s Misguided Religious Battle

The Communist Party shows no sign of letting up in its battle with religion. Indeed, for Buddhists at least, things are getting worse.

The Danger of Patriotic Geeks

The Danger of Patriotic Geeks

Governments in Asia may see patriotic hackers as the answer to their cyber vulnerabilities. But cyber militias will likely only destabilize the region.

Why U.S., China Destined to Clash

Forty years after Nixon’s extraordinary visit to China, a clash of political systems exists that not even shared economic interests can mask.

Why China Courts Eastern Europe

Why China Courts Eastern Europe

With tensions with Russia bubbling beneath the surface, China has been keen to build ties with Ukraine and Belarus. They’ve been happy to reciprocate.

Canada Chases the TPP Holy Grail

Canada Chases the TPP Holy Grail

The Canadian government has been a late convert to the benefits of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. But will it be willing to make the changes necessary to fit in?

Can China Crash U.S. Pivot Party?

Can China Crash U.S. Pivot Party?

The United States is working hard to recalibrate its national security strategy with an Asia-Pacific focus. If China can act boldly, it has multiple avenues for countering it.

The Thorn in Japan-Russia Ties

The Thorn in Japan-Russia Ties

Japan and Russia would undoubtedly benefit from finding a resolution to the dispute over the Kuril Islands. But domestic pressure is holding them back.

Enter China’s Security Firms

Enter China’s Security Firms

Chinese private security companies are seeing an opportunity as the U.S. withdraws troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. But plenty of complications await them.

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