
East Asia

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Welcome to Asia, Secretary Panetta

Welcome to Asia, Secretary Panetta

Asia is bound to be a focus for Leon Panetta as US defence secretary. With China’s rise, India and Pakistan squabbling and a belligerent North Korea, there’s plenty to do.

The Next Big Threat to US-China Ties

The Next Big Threat to US-China Ties

The United States is so far lacking a strategy for managing future Chinese investment. With Beijing pushing for more access to its high tech sector, it needs one.

Japan’s Necessary Nuclear Future

Japan’s Necessary Nuclear Future

Any big shift from nuclear power will take years. It’s time for Japan’s politicians to show some leadership to ensure the country’s reactors get back online.

Wen Jiabao vs Aung San Suu Kyi

Wen Jiabao vs Aung San Suu Kyi

Burma’s opposition leader may have achieved less than the Chinese premier. But Suu Kyi’s less is definitely more.

What China Can Learn from Thailand

The Thai opposition’s election triumph should act as a warning to China’s leaders – they resist political change at their peril.

China’s Ticking Debt Bomb

China’s Ticking Debt Bomb

China appeared to weather the global economic downturn better than most. But massive local government debt could bring growth to a screeching halt.

The Danger of Closer US-Korea Ties

The Danger of Closer US-Korea Ties

Relations between the US and South Korea have been steadily warming. The problem is, it could push North Korea into even worse behaviour.

How Taiwan Can Upstage China

How Taiwan Can Upstage China

Taiwan’s South China Sea claims are outdated. It could earn some vital regional goodwill by abandoning them.

The Limits of China as Villain

The current tensions in the South China Sea can’t just be blamed on Beijing. The shortcomings of ASEAN have played a big part.

Asia’s Maritime Confidence Crisis

The US, China and Southeast Asian nations look likely to keep clashing in the South China Sea. But there are ways to ease tensions.

One Country, Two Systems?

One Country, Two Systems?

Despite early fears freedoms would be curtailed after their colony was returned to Beijing, many in Hong Kong now see ties as an opportunity.

Japan’s Stealth Fighter Gambit

Japan’s Stealth Fighter Gambit

Tokyo seems poised to spend billions developing the country’s first homegrown stealth warplane. But is the Shinshin really meant for military service?

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