
East Asia

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Grappling With a MAD Space Future

Grappling With a MAD Space Future

Its new space strategy calls for the US to reach out to allies in Asia. But will differences with China undermine progress?

Is North Korea Next?

Is North Korea Next?

Kim Jong-il’s regime has been censoring reports of unrest in the Arab world. It’s a sign of how worried his regime is about its survival.

Searching for Taiwan’s Plan B

Searching for Taiwan’s Plan B

China has repeatedly made clear its vision for Taiwan. Wishful thinking over interdependence won’t change this, says Daniel Lynch.

Pentagon Turns Eyes Toward Asia

Pentagon Turns Eyes Toward Asia

The new US military strategy underscores the challenge of a rising China. But there’s more to the plans than just more hardware spending.

South Korea’s Shifting Politics

South Korea’s Shifting Politics

Younger generations of South Koreans are more pragmatic than their elders, especially over the US alliance, says Woo Jung-Yeop.

Explaining Kim Jong-il’s Tantrums

Explaining Kim Jong-il’s Tantrums

Frozen out of talks and wanting attention, the Kim regime made a calculated decision to up the ante in 2010, Weston Konishi tells The Diplomat.

Living in a Despot’s Walled Garden

Living in a Despot’s Walled Garden

North Korea’s development of a walled garden ‘app’ is only the most extreme example of what governments may do to restrict web access.

Mapping Asia’s Nuclear Future

The New START has entered into force. It’s now time for Asian nations to step up and help tackle the nuclear threat, says Richard Weitz.

Grimm Foreign Policy?

China’s assertiveness has alarmed many of its neighbours. Does a foot stamping foreign policy risk creating a counter-coalition?

The Dangers of Korean Unification

The Dangers of Korean Unification

Egypt has shown how fast events can transform political landscapes. It’s not too early to start preparing for North Korea’s possible collapse—and for reunification.

US Drones Trump China Theatrics

Despite the fanfare surrounding China’s J-20 stealth prototype, the real game-changer in the Pacific will be US spy planes, argues David Axe.

China’s Coming Green Boom

China’s Coming Green Boom

Policymakers in China are thrashing out the details of the next five-year plan. Will it set the country on the path toward a green economy?

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