
East Asia

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Is China’s Growth Sustainable?

Is China’s Growth Sustainable?

By Calvin Wong
The Diplomat's inaugural student essay contest winner Calvin Wong writes about Chinese economic growth - and wins a trip to Japan to help us cover the APEC summit.
Japan’s Other Territorial Headache

Japan’s Other Territorial Headache

By Richard Weitz
Dmitry Medvedev’s decision to visit a disputed island chain piles the pressure on a Japanese government already wrestling with China.

How China Mimics US Soft Power

How China Mimics US Soft Power

The Chinese decision to build and dispatch a hospital ship is a leaf right out of the US Navy’s soft power playbook.

Getting Ready for Kim Jong-un

Getting Ready for Kim Jong-un

The Diplomat speaks with Korea analyst Scott Snyder about the North Korean leadership succession and what to expect under a Kim Jong Un regime.

China’s Premature Great Power Label

China’s Premature Great Power Label

China’s past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, says former British Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind.

Asia’s Biodiversity Challenge

Asia’s Biodiversity Challenge

The Diplomat speaks with Ahmed Djoghlaf, executive secretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, about the ongoing COP10 conference.

Understanding Asia-Pacific Sea Power

Understanding Asia-Pacific Sea Power

By James Holmes & Toshi Yoshihara
In this first in a series on the region’s navies, The Diplomat looks at how to measure naval power—including the US and China’s.
Stepping Up Over N. Korea and WMD

Stepping Up Over N. Korea and WMD

Seoul’s move to fully join the Proliferation Security Initiative is welcome. But it’s China that really needs to be on board.

How China is Weaker Than it Looks

How China is Weaker Than it Looks

China could yet become a superpower. But a surging economy can’t mask social strains that only political reform can address.

How China Plays the Great Game

How China Plays the Great Game

The prize for China is ejecting the US from Asia, says Madhav Nalapat. Its best chance to claim it? NATO’s defeat in Afghanistan.

How to Improve China-Japan Ties

How to Improve China-Japan Ties

This week’s Asia-Europe Meeting would be an excellent place for the two to launch a new initiative—tackling chemical weapons.

What China Needs to Learn

What China Needs to Learn

Japan wasn’t blameless in the recent spat. But Beijing must understand that great powers sometimes need to show restraint.

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