
East Asia

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'Japan a US Protectorate'

'Japan a US Protectorate'

Veteran Japan watcher Karel van Wolferen talks to The Diplomat about the fall of Hatoyama and what to expect from Naoto Kan.

Grappling With Nuclear Asia

Grappling With Nuclear Asia

The latest NPT review had interesting implications for Asia’s nuclear security. But securing binding agreements was tough.

What Next With North Korea?

What Next With North Korea?

And will Kim’s successors play his brinkmanship games? The Diplomat asks Asia analyst Adam Ward at the Shangri-la Dialogue.

ROK Voters Snub Ruling Party

ROK Voters Snub Ruling Party

Young voters helped deliver South Korea’s ruling party a wake up call. And a rebuke for playing up the Cheonan incident.

China Won’t Rule The Skies

…anytime soon, says Loren Thompson. It’s a long way from having its own version of the F-22 fighter to challenge the US.

China’s Troubling Iran Ties

China’s Troubling Iran Ties

Don’t expect a tough Chinese line on Iran’s nuclear efforts. Burgeoning trade will keep calls for harsher sanctions in check.

DPRK Hardliners Sink Talks?

As North Korea warns of war, Patrick Cronin asks if Pyongyang hardliners are trying to scupper their own country’s diplomacy.

EU Not on China’s Chessboard

European nations are making a mistake courting China, says John Lee. To maintain relevance they need to align with the US.

Get Ready for DPRK Collapse

Get Ready for DPRK Collapse

The Six-Party Talks are looking hopeless, says Minxin Pei. It’s time for policymakers to start planning for the worst. Now.

China Prefers Devil It Knows

Chinese policymakers are looking for a change of behavior in North Korea, not in its regime, argues Richard Weitz.

China Set for Naval Hegemony

China Set for Naval Hegemony

The Chinese navy has been throwing its weight around in East Asia. A US Navy commander asks how much longer the US can do anything about it.

France-China Ties on Mend

France-China Ties on Mend

Last week’s state visit to China by Nicolas Sarkozy was another sign of improved Franco-Sino ties, says Richard Weitz.

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