
East Asia

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Inside the Axis of Evil

Living in Kemalist Turkey is instructive in how a country can nourish a Great Leader cult and still veer short of dictatorship.

Asian Space Race

India’s launch in late October 2008 of its first lunar mission marked its ascendancy to an elite group of nations.

China in 2008

A once-in-a-hundred-year snowstorm marked an ominous beginning for a supposedly magnificent year for China.

The Reds under the bed have emerged with their pockets full of cash.

America has made a mighty effort to destroy capitalism, and China is taking the opportunity to save it.

Seaborne again

Japan’s constitution may prevent it from possessing an offensive military force, but as the ships on display during the Japan Coast Guard’s 60th birthday.

Tale of a thousand cities

The glowing blue ripples of China’s National Aquatic Centre – better known as the Watercube – have made the Australian-designed 2008 Olympic Games venue a Chinese icon.

Once Bittern, Twice Shy

China’s public signage, as the friends of many serial email forwarders have discovered is second perhaps only to that of Japan in its ability to delight, baffle, and send native English speakers into spasms of hilarity.

Settling the Issue

Xinjiang is a critically important region to the Chinese government. Firstly, Xinjiang’s Tarim Basin has the country’s fastest-growing oil and gas fields, and potential reserves could also make them the largest.

Hat Tricks

Tibet is much more than just the Chinese-controlled province of the TAR. Taking into account the real size of Tibet…

Master of the Universe

Diplomats, politicians and mining executives like to say that there is always heat and colour in the iron ore trade and this year is no different to any other.

Fukuyama's Side of History

As a key player in the rise of neoconservatism within the US government, and author of the contentious treatise The End of History and the Last Man, Francis Fukuyama has an intimate understanding of the Washington scene that formulates so much of US foreign policy.

Unwilling and Able

In his recently released Interim Report on climate change, Professor Ross Garnaut argues that, absent early and deep emissions cuts, rapid economic growth and escalating greenhouse gas emissions in China…

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