
East Asia

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US Ambassador Calls China’s Tech Support for Russia During Ukraine Invasion a ‘Major Mistake’

US Ambassador Calls China’s Tech Support for Russia During Ukraine Invasion a ‘Major Mistake’

By Associated Press
China "is not neutral, but has effectively sided with Russia in this war," U.S. Ambassador to Beijing Nicholas Burns said this week.
Critical Infrastructure and Power Games in China-EU Relations

Critical Infrastructure and Power Games in China-EU Relations

By Mathieu Duchâtel
China’s investment in strategic infrastructure, though often overlooked, was a primary factor in the decline of China-EU relations.

Making Sense of Xi’s Claim That the US Is ‘Goading’ China to Invade Taiwan

Making Sense of Xi’s Claim That the US Is ‘Goading’ China to Invade Taiwan

By Corey Lee Bell
Xi Jinping's statement reflects long established and now widely held Chinese elite perceptions of U.S. motives in the “Taiwan question.”

Japan Air Self-Defense Force to Hold Joint Drills With Germany, France, Spain in July

Japan Air Self-Defense Force to Hold Joint Drills With Germany, France, Spain in July

By Takahashi Kosuke
This is the first time that aircraft from the three European countries’ air forces will be deployed to Japan at the same time.

Mongolia-EU Relations Are Gaining Momentum

Mongolia-EU Relations Are Gaining Momentum

By Bolor Lkhaajav
As the two sides celebrate 35 years of diplomatic ties, Mongolia’s relationship with Europe is breaking new ground.
Taiwan’s Aging Society Poses a National Security Threat

Taiwan’s Aging Society Poses a National Security Threat

By Jeremiah May and Daniel Fu
Taiwan’s declining population has pressing ramifications for its ability to recruit and sustain an adequate fighting force.

In Global First, China’s Lunar Probe Returns to Earth With Samples From the Far Side of the Moon

In Global First, China’s Lunar Probe Returns to Earth With Samples From the Far Side of the Moon

By Huizhong Wu
Chang’e 6 is the first lunar mission to have collected samples from the far side of the moon.
Japan: No Indo-Pacific Order Without International Order 

Japan: No Indo-Pacific Order Without International Order 

By Jagannath Panda, Julie Yu-Wen Chen, and Richard Ghiasy
Japan smartly places Indo-Pacific order under the aegis of international order, with a much more proactive and coordinative role for itself. 

Japan’s Decades-long Diplomatic Transformation

Japan’s Decades-long Diplomatic Transformation

By Keikichi Takahashi
Japan’s post Cold War foreign policy evolution stems from emerging threats abroad and political reforms at home. 

What South Korea Needs Post-Russia-North Korea Mutual Defense Treaty

What South Korea Needs Post-Russia-North Korea Mutual Defense Treaty

By Jong Min Lee
In forging deeper strategic ties with Pyongyang, Russia has inadvertently tarnished one of the key touchstones of Moscow’s relations with Seoul.

China’s Rise in the Global South

China’s Rise in the Global South

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Dawn Murphy.
Mongolia’s Precarious Energy Security

Mongolia’s Precarious Energy Security

By Telmen Altanshagai
Mongolia's energy security needs to be viewed holistically, as a function of its economy, environment, and geopolitical situation.

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