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The Treaty Principles Bill Is Already Straining Social Cohesion in New Zealand

The Treaty Principles Bill Is Already Straining Social Cohesion in New Zealand

By Alexander Gillespie and Claire Breen
A referendum on the issue of Maori rights under the Treaty of Waitangi could be even more divisive.
Why India and Australia Should Expand Their Partnership to the Pacific

Why India and Australia Should Expand Their Partnership to the Pacific

By Rushali Saha
Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region requires New Delhi and Canberra to take a truly holistic approach toward the region.

Sister Cities: A New Era in US Pacific Diplomacy

Sister Cities: A New Era in US Pacific Diplomacy

By John Augé
The 7 for 70 Campaign will create vital people-to-people connections through new "sister city" relationships.

How the Pacific Voted in the US Election

How the Pacific Voted in the US Election

By Patricia O’Brien
On November 5, voters went to the polls on U.S. Pacific islands: the state of Hawai'i and the three U.S. territories of Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas (CNMI). 

Will Australian Domestic Politics Experience the Trump Effect?

Will Australian Domestic Politics Experience the Trump Effect?

By Grant Wyeth
Trump isn’t popular in Australia, but he is a highly influential cultural figure. How will his reelection affect Australia’s domestic politics as it approaches a federal election by May 2025?
Trump Victory Could Spark a Rethink for New Zealand at APEC in Peru

Trump Victory Could Spark a Rethink for New Zealand at APEC in Peru

By Geoffrey Miller
For New Zealand, Trump’s overwhelming win in the U.S. election might spark a rethink of its policy of aligning more closely with Washington.

Proposed Australian Cap Latest Headache for Indian Students

Proposed Australian Cap Latest Headache for Indian Students

By Jinusha Panigrahi
Australia's proposed cap on international student enrollments is the latest headache for Indian higher education students looking to study abroad.
Extreme Weather Has Already Cost Vulnerable Island Nations $141 Billion 

Extreme Weather Has Already Cost Vulnerable Island Nations $141 Billion 

By Emily Wilkinson, Ilan Noy, Matthew Bishop, and Vikrant Panwar
Small island developing states like Fiji and Vanuatu are uniquely vulnerable to climate change and are already paying the price. Developed countries need to pay up.

Fiji’s Foreign Policy White Paper: Proponent of Peace or Pandering to Power in the Indo-Pacific?

Fiji’s Foreign Policy White Paper: Proponent of Peace or Pandering to Power in the Indo-Pacific?

By Merewalesi (Mere) Nailatikau
Fiji seems inclined to promote a particular brand of peacemaking that aligns with the powerful.

New Zealand Is Falling Behind in Protecting Its Oceans

New Zealand Is Falling Behind in Protecting Its Oceans

By Karen Scott
New Zealand must step up to protect its own oceans to match international commitments made at the Commonwealth leaders’ meeting.

New Zealand’s Breakthrough Free Trade Deal With the Gulf

New Zealand’s Breakthrough Free Trade Deal With the Gulf

By Geoffrey Miller
After nearly two decades of talks, and numerous diplomatic twists and turns, the country has sealed an FTA with the Gulf Cooperation Council.
Right-sizing the China Factor in Palau’s Election

Right-sizing the China Factor in Palau’s Election

By Graeme Smith
The U.S. isn’t the only country voting on November 5. This small Pacific nation is also holding an election – and China is watching.

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