South Asia

Supply Chain Disruption: A Key Trigger for India’s Plea for Climate Change Action
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
The serious impact of climate change on India’s economic aspiration has begun to figure on the government’s agenda or at least in its public pronouncements.

Sri Lanka’s Many IMF Programs: What’s Changed and What Hasn’t
By Tharindu Udayanga Kamburawala
Comparing the similarities and differences in Sri Lanka’s five latest agreements with the IMF highlights the country’s economic trajectory since 2001.

Bangladesh’s Tough Tightrope Walk Between India and China
By Saqlain Rizve
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has completed bilateral visits to India and China. The one to Beijing disappointed Dhaka.

Will Nepal’s New Government Usher in a New Electoral System?
By Pratistha Rijal
The current coalition, while fragile, has enough seats to undertake constitutional amendment, and potentially do away with Nepal’s mixed electoral system.

From Activism to Provincial Assembly: A Conversation With Gwadar’s Maulana Hidayat ur Rehman
By Mariyam Suleman Anees
The leader of a major protest movement in Gwadar is now a member of the Balochistan Provincial Assembly.

Pakistani Government Seeking Ban on Imran Khan’s Party
By Umair Jamal
The decision appears to be a response from the Sharif government and military to the judiciary’s recent rulings supportive of Khan.

Violent Clashes Over Government Jobs Quota System Leave Scores Injured in Bangladesh
By Julhas Alam
The quota system sets aside 30 percent of government jobs for family members of those who fought in the 1971 Bangladesh liberation war.

The Carbon Footprints of Indian Business Tycoon’s Head-Turning Wedding Display
By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
The marathon celebration over Mukesh Ambani’s youngest son Anant’s wedding could go down in history as one of the most expensive – in both cash and carbon.

Has Bangladesh Lost Its Footing in the China-India Balancing Act?
By Syful Islam
Was a tilt toward India to blame for Sheikh Hasina's lackluster visit to China? Or is Beijing simply reading the economic tea leaves?

India’s Arm Sales to Israel During a War Are a Political Statement
By Omair Anas
India must seek a broader regional engagement beyond bilateral immediacies in the Middle East.

Pakistan’s Government Accuses Ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan of Treason
By Munir Ahmed
Khan's party said the government's moves are a desperate response to recent court verdicts throwing out previous convictions against him.

Why Is the Bangladesh Government Unable to Quell Ongoing Students Protests?
By Mubashar Hasan and Arild Engelsen Ruud
Despite dominating the state, the Awami League government is unable to establish control over society even after 15 years in power.