
South Asia

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After Initial Setback, India’s Opposition Alliance Starts Taking Shape

After Initial Setback, India’s Opposition Alliance Starts Taking Shape

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Over the past week, the Congress party has sealed seat-sharing deals with AAP and the SP. Will it clinch a deal with the TMC too?
Greece Charts a Course in the Indo-Pacific

Greece Charts a Course in the Indo-Pacific

By Rushali Saha
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis was the chief guest at the Raisina Dialogue, a clear indication of Athens’ growing interest in the region.

The Silent Erosion of Afghanistan’s Urban Middle Class: A Neglected Crisis

The Silent Erosion of Afghanistan’s Urban Middle Class: A Neglected Crisis

By Lutfi Rahimi
While the focus on Afghanistan tends to revolve around geopolitical tensions and security concerns, the slow erosion of the urban middle class is sending the country decades backward.

A Reality Check on Afghanistan’s Isolation Under the Taliban

A Reality Check on Afghanistan’s Isolation Under the Taliban

By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
Beneath the U.N. secretary general’s claims of consensus in Doha, a clear division is visible among countries regarding whether and how to do business with the Taliban.

Cheap Russian Oil Fuels India’s Response to Ukraine War

Cheap Russian Oil Fuels India’s Response to Ukraine War

By Biswajit Dhar
The West expected India to turn its back on Russia, but a look at the numbers shows that expectation was never realistic.
The Deadly Border Between Bangladesh and India

The Deadly Border Between Bangladesh and India

By Saqlain Rizve
The two nations are friendly neighbors. Why, then, do Indian troops so frequently use lethal force along the border? 

What a Tamil Language School in Sri Lanka Tells Us About the Reconciliation Process

What a Tamil Language School in Sri Lanka Tells Us About the Reconciliation Process

By Niru Perera
Language is a critical part of the country's moves toward post-war reconciliation, especially when it comes to grassroots efforts.
How India’s COVID-19 Lockdowns Impacted Menstrual Health

How India’s COVID-19 Lockdowns Impacted Menstrual Health

By Karan Babbar
Limited access to period products during India’s COVID lockdowns highlighted how far public health initiatives have to go when it comes to menstruation.

India and the Red Sea Imbroglio

India and the Red Sea Imbroglio

By Anil Golani and Radhey Tambi
India, with its traditionally close ties with Iran and its increasing influence in the region, may have a role to play in alleviating the present crisis.  

India’s Assam State to Introduce Uniform Civil Code

India’s Assam State to Introduce Uniform Civil Code

By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
It is the third state after Uttarakhand and Gujarat – all ruled by the Hindu nationalist BJP – to take steps toward a common civil law for all religious groups.

What the US National Defense Industrial Strategy Means for the Indo-Pacific 

What the US National Defense Industrial Strategy Means for the Indo-Pacific 

By Monish Tourangbam
For major stakeholders in the Indo-Pacific, including India, the priorities set out by the NDIS merit close examination.
UN Doha Conference on Afghanistan Fails to Achieve Key Goals

UN Doha Conference on Afghanistan Fails to Achieve Key Goals

By Freshta Jalalzai
The Taliban’s refusal to participate – and those invited to represent Afghanistan from other groups – sparked much debate among Afghans.

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