
Southeast Asia

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A Brief History of Charter Change Attempts in the Philippines

A Brief History of Charter Change Attempts in the Philippines

By Mong Palatino
Successive Filipino leaders have sought to amend the country's constitution. Will Rodrigo Duterte succeed where his predecessors have failed?
Myanmar’s Coup: An Early Test for the Biden Administration

Myanmar’s Coup: An Early Test for the Biden Administration

By Sebastian Strangio
It remains to be seen whether the U.S. response can resolve a growing tension between values and interests.

With Military Takeover, Myanmar Lurches Back to the Bad Old Days

With Military Takeover, Myanmar Lurches Back to the Bad Old Days

By Sebastian Strangio
Monday's coup d'etat will have far-reaching, though uncertain, effects on the country's political trajectory.

Can the Pacific Become a Priority for Indonesian Diplomacy?

Can the Pacific Become a Priority for Indonesian Diplomacy?

By Hipolitus Wangge
Indonesia will continue to prioritize the Indo-Pacific construct with an accent on the Indian Ocean, at the expense of the Pacific.

The Fallout From Vietnam’s Communist Party Congress

The Fallout From Vietnam’s Communist Party Congress

By Zachary Abuza
The outcome reflects a considerable degree of caution, and a desire to balance the party's internal factions.
Myanmar’s Military Seizes Power in Early Morning Coup

Myanmar’s Military Seizes Power in Early Morning Coup

By Sebastian Strangio
The army has decreed a one-year state of emergency in order to probe flimsy allegations of voter fraud.

China’s Latest White Paper and Southeast Asia

China’s Latest White Paper and Southeast Asia

By Luke Hunt
A conversation with Bradley Murg about China's development aid and its flagging Belt and Road Initiative.
How US-Vietnam Ties Might Go Off the Rails

How US-Vietnam Ties Might Go Off the Rails

By Derek Grossman
Will Washington's burgeoning strategic relationship with Hanoi come unstuck over human rights concerns?

Vietnam’s Communist Party Chief Reelected to Third Term

Vietnam’s Communist Party Chief Reelected to Third Term

By Sebastian Strangio
The reappointment of Nguyen Phu Trong elevates the austere communist chief into the Party's upper ranks.

What Does the ASEAN-EU Strategic Partnership Mean?

What Does the ASEAN-EU Strategic Partnership Mean?

By Laura Allison-Reumann and Philomena Murray
Has the European Union finally found its strategy in its newly upgraded relationship with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations?

Philippines Cancels Massive Chinese-Led Airport Project

Philippines Cancels Massive Chinese-Led Airport Project

By Sebastian Strangio
President Duterte has surprisingly little to show for his much-vaunted "pivot to China."
In Exile, an Icon of the West Papuan Independence Struggle Fades

In Exile, an Icon of the West Papuan Independence Struggle Fades

By Leon Langdon
Benny Wenda has been a fierce advocate for the West Papuan cause. Why is it, then, that the proclamation of his presidency has been met with marked skepticism within West Papua?

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