
Southeast Asia

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Osama Bin Laden’s Second Front

Osama Bin Laden’s Second Front

The killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden may be a blow to militants. But in Southeast Asia as elsewhere, terrorism still looms large.

Time for ASEAN Peacekeeping Force

Time for ASEAN Peacekeeping Force

The latest clash between Cambodia and Thailand has underscored the need for a regional peacekeeping force. Indonesia should push for one now.

Thailand, Cambodia Spat Gets Ugly

Domestic politics could be pushing leaders of the two countries to more intense conflict as thousands flee border fighting.

Another Climate Deadlock

Another Climate Deadlock

When climate change negotiators can barely agree on an agenda, it’s hard to be optimistic about such UN gatherings. Stephen Minas reports from Bangkok.

Cambodia’s NGO Blues

Cambodia’s NGO Blues

The Cambodian government’s plan to require that NGOs be registered is just an excuse to stifle legitimate protests, activists say.

Cambodia's Land Crisis

Cambodia's Land Crisis

Evictions from a Phnom Penh slum and a controversial World Bank project underscore the seriousness of Cambodia’s land disputes.

Vietnam’s Murky Media Picture

Vietnam’s Murky Media Picture

A new media law has been widely criticized as further curtailing press freedom in Vietnam. But the situation is more complex than many think.

‘Time to Drop Burma Sanctions’

‘Time to Drop Burma Sanctions’

Burma has taken its first steps away from military dictatorship. There’s a long way to go, but sanctions should be halted, says Marie Lall.

The CIA’s 'Secret War'

Decades after US forces exited the Vietnam War the remnants of a CIA-backed force of Lao villagers still live in fear in the jungle.

Thailand’s Forgotten Conflict

Thailand’s Forgotten Conflict

While the international media focuses on Red and Yellow Shirt clashes and a temple spat, a deadly rebellion still brews in Thailand’s south.

Asia’s Opium Resurgence

Asia’s Opium Resurgence

Southeast Asia’s Golden Triangle has seen a jump in opium production. Will Laos ever be allowed to cash-in legally on its booming crop?

Cambodians, Rightly, Dig In Heels

Clashes between Cambodian and Thai forces over a temple are a sign of what’s to come if Thailand tries to take it, says Michael Hayes.

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