
Southeast Asia

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Asia's Next Flashpoint?

The offer to former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra of a position as an economic adviser to Cambodian Premier Hun Sen has inflamed relations between the two countries. The Diplomat contributor Luke Hunt travels to Phnom Penh, Bangkok and Preah Vihear and finds out how Thaksin’s new role has upset the Thai monarchy and quietly amused Beijing.

Notes from a Show Trial

Fair trial or kangaroo court? Ben Bland reports from Kuala Lumpur on former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s efforts to criminalise war.

High-Profile Political Prisoners

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

'Our Country's One Big Prison'

The Burmese junta, already known as one of the cruellest regimes in the world, has been stepping up its oppression of political opponents. Phil Thornton reports from the Thai-Burma border, where he speaks with exiled politicians, army deserters, displaced villagers and former political prisoners.

Interview with Anwar Ibrahim

The Diplomat’s exclusive interview with Malaysian Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Why Obama Should Speak in Indonesia?

China's Cambodian Hegemony

Pushing the long grass aside, Phorn pointed to a marker stone. ‘The Chinese workers came and put this here,’ he said.

Broken Art

With their rich traditions and an increasingly global outlook, Thailand’s cultural industries have significant promise.

'Warriors' Realm

It was midday on the Thai-Burma border. The tropical sun beat down from a cloudless blue sky…

Dynasty And Democracy : Thailand's Dilemma

The multi-coloured protests that paralysed Bangkok at the end of last year garnered international media attention more due to tales of stranded tourists than the deep-rooted causes behind them.

Rescuing Child Sex Slaves

A warm night on the Thai/Burmese border. A Grey Man operative checks his video equipment and heads into a cluster of 15 brothels.

Regime Tools - Burma's Repressive Middle Men

In the past 12 months Burma’s military regime, the State Peace and Development Council (SP DC), has been under intense international scrutiny.

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