
Southeast Asia

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Indonesian Presidential Contenders Call for Parliamentary Probe Into Election

Indonesian Presidential Contenders Call for Parliamentary Probe Into Election

By Sebastian Strangio
Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo have both expressed concerns that last week's election was tainted by fraud and abuses of power.
Why Malaysia’s Pharmaniaga Is In Financial Trouble

Why Malaysia’s Pharmaniaga Is In Financial Trouble

By James Guild
And why its troubles might be short-lived.

Philippines to Probe Claims of Chinese Cyanide Use at Scarborough Shoal

Philippines to Probe Claims of Chinese Cyanide Use at Scarborough Shoal

By Sebastian Strangio
Allegations that Chinese vessels have used the toxic chemical in their fishing operations add to the climate of tension in the South China Sea.

Former Thai PM Thaksin Freed on Parole After 6 Months

Former Thai PM Thaksin Freed on Parole After 6 Months

By Sebastian Strangio
As controversy over his parole simmers, attention turns to what influence the controversial former leader will have over Thai politics.

Winning the China-US Narrative Competition in Southeast Asia

Winning the China-US Narrative Competition in Southeast Asia

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Washington needs to invest more in telling its story to win the regional battle for hearts and minds.
Southeast Asia’s Reactionaries Can Embrace Same-Sex Marriage

Southeast Asia’s Reactionaries Can Embrace Same-Sex Marriage

By David Hutt
As in the West, extending marriage rights to same-sex couples will only serve to strengthen the social fabric.

The Self-Defeating Nature of Thailand’s ‘Soft Power’ Push

The Self-Defeating Nature of Thailand’s ‘Soft Power’ Push

By Mark S. Cogan
A genuine flowering of popular culture would inevitably showcase the repressive nature of the Thai state.
Tunku Abdul Rahman’s Enduring Legacy in Foreign Affairs

Tunku Abdul Rahman’s Enduring Legacy in Foreign Affairs

By Hamzah Ben Ahmad
Malaysia's first prime minister fell short of realizing his domestic vision, the impacts of his diplomacy are still being felt today.

Is Southern Thailand Moving Toward Peace?

Is Southern Thailand Moving Toward Peace?

By Sebastian Strangio
Zachary Abuza of the National War College discusses the latest developments in long-running peace talks.

War Crimes and the Meaning of Genocide

War Crimes and the Meaning of Genocide

By Luke Hunt
A conversation with war crimes lawyer Michael Karnavas.

What Indonesia’s Election Result Means For the Ruling PDI-P

What Indonesia’s Election Result Means For the Ruling PDI-P

By Virdika Rizky Utama
Cast into opposition for the first time in two decades, the PDI-P has a critical role to play as a check on the incoming administration's power.
Philippines Deploys Warship to Palawan Island, Facing South China Sea

Philippines Deploys Warship to Palawan Island, Facing South China Sea

By Sebastian Strangio
The deployment follows a string of stand-offs between Chinese and Philippine vessels in the disputed seaway.

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