
15th BRICS Summit

De-dollarization Dreams: Why the US Dollar Won’t Bow Out

De-dollarization Dreams: Why the US Dollar Won’t Bow Out

By Shaoyu Yuan
While the discourse around de-dollarization gains momentum, particularly with the strategic expansion of BRICS, the U.S. dollar's preeminence remains largely unchallenged.

The Latest China-Africa Leaders Dialogue: What Has Changed?

The Latest China-Africa Leaders Dialogue: What Has Changed?

By Ovigwe Eguegu and Hannah Ryder
A brief meeting on the sidelines of the BRICS summit was the first chance for many African leaders to speak with Xi Jinping since the pandemic began.
BRICS: A China-Led Group Looking for Relevance

BRICS: A China-Led Group Looking for Relevance

By Thiago de Aragao
Everything that is being proposed at the BRICS summit is already being done – often more effectively – at the bilateral level by China.

Growth and Incoherence: BRICS 2023 Summit in South Africa

Growth and Incoherence: BRICS 2023 Summit in South Africa

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
BRICS eyes expansion, but without a coherent agenda. Meanwhile, rhetoric about respect for international law sours beside Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

BRICS Is Getting 6 New Members

BRICS Is Getting 6 New Members

By Gerald Imray and Mogomotsi Magome
China has been keen to expand BRICS as a direct counter to the U.S.-led G-7, but other members were more hesitant.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

What Makes Xi Jinping’s State Visit to South Africa So Unusual

What Makes Xi Jinping’s State Visit to South Africa So Unusual

By Shannon Tiezzi
In the past, Xi has used the BRICS summit as the basis for a wider regional tour. Not this year. 

Should New Zealand Build Bridges With the BRICS?

Should New Zealand Build Bridges With the BRICS?

By Geoffrey Miller
New Zealand needs to think more about the BRICS, and the developing world in general.
Shaky Foundations for the BRICS Expansion Push

Shaky Foundations for the BRICS Expansion Push

By Filipe Porto
China and Russia are keen to expand BRICS into a coalition to counter the U.S. Brazil and India, however, are reluctant.

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