1994 Agreed Framework

What North Korea Really Wants: A Normalized Relationship With the United States
By Justin Fendos
The answer is actually simple, if you've been paying attention.

North Korean Denuclearization: One Goal, Different Interpretations
By Clint Work
Can Seoul thread the needle between Washington's demands and what Pyongyang is willing to accept?

US North Korea Policy After the Olympics
By James J. Przystup
A closer look at Washington’s policy options after the likely expiry of the Winter Olympic truce.

Can Diplomacy With North Korea Ever Work?
By Björn Alexander Düben
It’s time to be realistic about the prospects of negotiations with Pyongyang.

Is a Nuclear Freeze an Option for North Korea?
By Hyuk Kim
Lessons from the Agreed Framework show the International Atomic Energy Agency must play a key role in any deal.

North Korea: What Options Remain?
By Walter C. Clemens, Jr.
Has the United States fully explored diplomatic options with North Korea?

Next Stop for Nuclear Negotiations: North Korea?
By Liz Whitfield
Refusing to reengage diplomatically with North Korea would be a serious blow to U.S. national security interests.
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