2012 U.S. Presidential Election

Chuck Hagel and the Battle for GOP Foreign Policy
While Hagel didn’t create the divisions within the GOP, his nomination is likely to harden them.
A Bipartisan National Security Agenda
When Mitt Romney and Barack Obama meet, they should outline a consensus on four common sense issues.

A U.S.-China “Trade War”: Time to Abolish a Silly Notion
Would either nation want to take the risk? Is the term “trade war” obsolete?

Horses and Bayonets
Last night’s Presidential debate on foreign policy is now history. What is not history: Some interesting ideas from Mitt Romney.

Conditions Ripe for North Korean Nuclear Test?
With leadership transitions and regional tensions running high, N. Korea may be tempted to conduct a nuclear test.

What’s Mitt’s Foreign Policy?
While America’s Presidential Election won’t be won on foreign policy, Mitt Romney’s experience and views matter.
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