2020 National Assembly elections

Before Trump, South Korean Conservatives Also Claimed a ‘Stolen’ Election
By Dongwoo Kim
Today's right-wing politics has a transnational element, resulting in eerily similar conspiracy theories about voter fraud in the U.S. and South Korea.

After the 2020 Parliamentary Elections, What’s Next for South Korean Politics?
By Joseph Yi and Wondong Lee
The Democratic Party won a massive victory, but the reshaping of South Korea’s right could have longer-term implications.

COVID-19 Factor Powers South Korea’s Ruling Party to Historic Victory
By Cory Bisbee
The Democratic Party wins unilateral control of the National Assembly, while conservatives and minor parties recede.

South Korean Ruling Party Wins Supermajority in Legislative Election
By Associated Press
President Moon’s Democratic Party and its affiliate won 180 out of 300 seats, buoyed by public support for the government’s COVID-19 response.

Coronavirus Concerns Intensify in South Korea
By Kyle Ferrier
If it's not brought under control soon, the epidemic could have an outsized economic and political impact on South Korea.
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