2022 Beijing Olympics

The UN Shouldn’t Let the Olympics’ Celebration of Uyghur Repression Go Unchallenged
By Sophie Richardson
Where is the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights’ report detailing human rights violations against Uyghurs?

Journalist Who Spoke to Peng Shuai Says Doubts Remain
By John Leicester
The carefully controlled conversation did not answer questions about whether Peng can speak her mind or move freely, and it did not put the controversy to rest.

For Uyghur 2008 Torchbearer, China’s Olympic Flame Has Gone Dark
By Huizhong Wu
In the years since he took part in the Olympic torch relay, Beijing has imposed harsh policies on the Uyghurs, splitting apart Kamaltürk Yalqun’s family.

Entering Beijing’s Olympics Bubble Is a Surreal Experience
By Associated Press
The experiences of AP journalists who have arrived or are preparing to depart offers a glimpse into life inside the bubble.
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