
2024 India elections

India’s New Government Faces Job Creation Challenge

India’s New Government Faces Job Creation Challenge

By Biswajit Dhar
The election results have proven that “Modi’s guarantee” is no longer enough. The people of India want stronger policies on employment and agriculture.

The Consequences of India’s Election Surprise

The Consequences of India’s Election Surprise

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Modi, and the BJP, will return to power but with their smallest majority to date. What, if any, are the consequences for Indian domestic and foreign policy?
Under Modi 3.0, India Will Retain Its Foreign Policy Course

Under Modi 3.0, India Will Retain Its Foreign Policy Course

By Krzysztof Iwanek
The incumbent BJP’s electoral victory was weaker than expected, but that won’t affect New Delhi’s foreign policy.

Modi Wins But Is Shackled. Muslims Get Respite From Hindutva

Modi Wins But Is Shackled. Muslims Get Respite From Hindutva

By Muqtedar Khan
The election result will restore the faith of Indian Muslims in their own power to shape politics. Their overwhelming vote for the opposition helped prevent a landslide victory for Hindutva.

How Big Money Finances Indian Politics

How Big Money Finances Indian Politics

By Swagato Sarkar
The business elite funds political parties and elections in return for economic favors or for securing favorable policies for their industry.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Climate Change Hardly a Burning Issue for Indian Voters

Climate Change Hardly a Burning Issue for Indian Voters

By Sajan Thomas and Titto Idicula
The expectation for Indian politicians to “be with the people” now encompasses standing with them through their lived experiences of climate change.

The Crisis of India’s Parliamentary Democracy

The Crisis of India’s Parliamentary Democracy

By Sumantra Bose
Parliament’s hollowing out can only be checked, and reversed, by a successful electoral challenge to the Modi personality cult.
Indian Democracy’s Tryst With Trust

Indian Democracy’s Tryst With Trust

By Ajay Gudavarthy
Elections in India represent a paradoxical see-saw between trust and crises of legitimacy.

Congress Party’s Election Manifesto Creates a Buzz

Congress Party’s Election Manifesto Creates a Buzz

By Kavita Chowdhury
Its focus on job creation, which has been among the top concerns of respondents in a recent survey, has rattled the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.

How to Rejuvenate the Indian National Congress

How to Rejuvenate the Indian National Congress

By Ambar Kumar Ghosh
Any pan-India challenge to the BJP’s political hegemony in national elections cannot be envisioned without the Congress. And thus, the party's revival is critical.

Why is Narendra Modi Nervous Ahead of India’s General Elections?

Why is Narendra Modi Nervous Ahead of India’s General Elections?

By Kavita Chowdhury
Possibly for the first time in a decade, Modi's government finds its image dented by revelations of corruption.
Will India’s Election Commission Provide All Parties a Level Playing Field?

Will India’s Election Commission Provide All Parties a Level Playing Field?

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Two of the commissioners in the three-member body that will conduct elections have recently been appointed by the ruling party.

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