
2024 LDP presidential election

Kishida Has Returned From the Political Precipice Before. Can He Do It Again?

Kishida Has Returned From the Political Precipice Before. Can He Do It Again?

By Shamshad A. Khan
Despite consistently low approval ratings, Kishida seems insistent on retaining the LDP presidency. How will he fare in the upcoming leadership race?

The Coming Clash Between Japan’s Current and Former Prime Ministers

The Coming Clash Between Japan’s Current and Former Prime Ministers

By Jio Kamata
The upcoming LDP election will be a battle over policy and personality, and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and his predecessor, Suga Yoshihide, symbolize the LDP's internal divide.
The Missed Opportunity of Japan’s Kishida Fumio

The Missed Opportunity of Japan’s Kishida Fumio

By Jio Kamata
The Japanese leader missed his chance to hold a snap election and cement his power. Now his leadership of both party and country is in jeopardy.

Japan’s PM Kishida Says He Won’t Step Down After LDP’s Defeat in By-elections

Japan’s PM Kishida Says He Won’t Step Down After LDP’s Defeat in By-elections

By Mari Yamaguchi
Sunday’s defeat marks a further setback for Kishida, who will seek reelection as his party’s leader in the fall.

Kishida’s Struggle to Win Over Japan’s Conservatives 

Kishida’s Struggle to Win Over Japan’s Conservatives 

By Jio Kamata
Despite progress on key conservative priorities, the Japanese prime minister hasn’t been able to shake his liberal reputation.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

As Scandal Engulfs the LDP, the Kishida Administration Goes on

As Scandal Engulfs the LDP, the Kishida Administration Goes on

By Jio Kamata
Despite a growing scandal and bottom-dwelling approval ratings, Prime Minister Kishida faces a window of stability.

Kishida Replaces 4 Cabinet Members as Japan’s Political Fundraising Scandal Deepens 

Kishida Replaces 4 Cabinet Members as Japan’s Political Fundraising Scandal Deepens 

By Thisanka Siripala
The government is in damage control mode as it scrambles to contain public distrust over underreported fundraising revenue.
Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Reshuffles Cabinet Amid Sluggish Support Rates

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Reshuffles Cabinet Amid Sluggish Support Rates

By Takahashi Kosuke
Japan has new ministers of defense and foreign affairs as Kishida looks to shore up public support and head off potential challengers from within the LDP.

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