49th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

China 2017: Year in Review
By Tuan N. Pham
How might events during the past year foretell Beijing’s actions for 2018?

Is ASEAN Unity in Danger From the South China Sea?
By Sukmawani Bela Pertiwi
Seeking to address the South China Sea issue at the ASEAN-level is counterproductive right now.

Assessing ASEAN’s South China Sea Position in its Post-Ruling Statement
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Though the grouping averted another disaster, the outcome was still disappointing.

No ASEAN Consensus on the South China Sea
By Termsak Chalermpalanupap
Don't hold out too much hope for a unified stance at the upcoming ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting in Laos.

ASEAN Can't Be Silent On South China Sea Ruling
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Even if it does not issue a separate statement, the grouping should adopt a strong communique.
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