709 crackdown

8 Years After ‘709,’ Persecution of Chinese Human Rights Lawyers Continues
By William Nee
The crackdown that began on July 9, 2015 is not just history; some of the targets are facing renewed pressure today.

How China Tries to Bamboozle the United Nations
By William Nee
At Geneva next week, the Chinese government will try to convince a U.N. committee that it is a paragon of economic, social, and cultural rights.

China’s 709 Crackdown Is Still Going On
By William Nee
Since the mass arrests on July 9, 2015, the Chinese government has never eased up on its pressure against human rights lawyers.

Wang Quanzhang and China’s ‘Non-Release Release’
By Jerome A. Cohen
Wang, a rights lawyer, was released from prison on April 5. So why hasn't he been allowed to go home?

1413 Days and Counting: Li Wenzu’s Fight for Her Husband’s Freedom
By Doriane Lau
4 years after the 709 crackdown, lawyer Wang Quanzhang remains imprisoned. His wife refuses to give up hope.
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