Abdul Rashid Dostum

Inside Dostum’s Mansion: Afghanistan’s Inequality Laid Bare
By Agnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska
The corrupt system of the past might be gone, but the new chapter in Afghanistan’s history is unlikely to be much better.

Political Reform Urgently Needed in Afghanistan
By Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili and Mohammad Qadam Shah
Without reform of its centralized political system, Afghanistan will remain mired in factionalism and civil conflict.

Afghanistan: A Game of Thrones
By Ahmad Mohibi
Vice President Dostum’s return to Afghanistan underlines the complexity of the battle for political influence.

Ghani Goes After Afghanistan’s Warlords
By Mushtaq Rahim
In order to succeed, Ghani’s crackdown on warlords must proceed transparently and cut a wide path across Afghanistan.

Where in the World is Abdul Rashid Dostum?
By Catherine Putz
After being turned away from Mazar-i-Sharif and refusing to land in Kabul, a plane carrying Dostum reportedly landed in Ashgabat.

Kabul's Dostum Problem
By Catherine Putz
Whether Dostum is convicted or not, there will be anger and accusations that the rule of law has been cheated.

Afghanistan's VP Accused of Torture and Sexual Abuse by Kidnapped Rival
By Catherine Putz
Ishchi's allegations are serious and shocking; Kabul says it plans to investigate.

Did Afghanistan's Vice President Abduct a Rival?
By Catherine Putz
Witness says the Afghan VP beat up Ahmed Ishchi and kidnapped him; but Ishchi is apparently in NDS hands now.

Dostum Seeks to Cement His Position in Northern Afghanistan
By Shawn Snow
Dostum’s military adventurism in northern Afghanistan is not to assist Kabul in its war against the Taliban.

Afghanistan: General Dostum Micromanages Kunduz War
By Shawn Snow
Afghan security forces have been struggling to push the Taliban out of Kunduz city.

What Is Going Wrong With Afghanistan’s National Unity Government?
By Hamid M. Saboory
The "unity" government is anything but united.

The Sparring Strongmen of Northern Afghanistan
By Arif Sahar
Ethnic conflict has the potential to derail the country’s fragile progress.
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