Abe-Putin Summit

Russo-Japanese Relations On Track for Confidence Building
By Taisuke Abiru
Don’t expect major breakthroughs anytime soon, but recent summits have moved the relationship forward.

What's New in Japan-Russia Relations?
By Mina Pollmann
A recent summit had little to offer on a thorny territorial dispute, but added North Korea to the agenda.

Japan and Shinzo Abe's Gamble With Russia
By Yuki Tatsumi
Japan's outreach to Russia is risky, as it could end up alienating the United States.

Why Russia and Japan Can’t Solve the Kuril Islands Dispute
By Sarah Lohschelder
The deadlock is rooted in the entrenched positions of both sides.

Prospects for Russia-Japan Rapprochement
By Dmitry Filippov
How successful was Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's recent visit to Russia?

What Did Japan Accomplish at the UN General Assembly?
By Mina Pollmann
Putin, Park, and peacekeeping: recapping Shinzo Abe's busy week in New York.

Can Japan and Russia Resolve Their Territorial Dispute?
By Vindu Mai Chotani
Talks are again underway. Can the two countries remove the main obstacle to stronger ties?

Putin to Visit Tokyo as Japan, Russia Restart Peace Talks
By Shannon Tiezzi
An Abe-Putin meeting on the sidelines of the UNGA again raised hopes for a peace treaty between Japan and Russia.

Why Russia and Japan Are Making Nice
By Ricky Hough
The two countries have economic and strategic interests in developing relations.
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