
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice

What Voice Will We Give to Australia’s Future?

What Voice Will We Give to Australia’s Future?

By Lisa Jackson-Pulver
The wellbeing of our nation should be at the forefront of our minds right now – and we need to get the history right.

The Facade of Australia Day Deserves to Crumble

The Facade of Australia Day Deserves to Crumble

By Dechlan Brennan
No other country celebrates the dismantling of one Indigenous group’s way of life as their national day like Australia does.
After 2023 Voice Disappointment, Is There Hope for Treaty in Australia?

After 2023 Voice Disappointment, Is There Hope for Treaty in Australia?

By Dechlan Brennan
Moving beyond the “no” campaign, conservative political parties across Australia are working to further erode Indigenous reconciliation movements, such as the various Treaty processes.

Hannah McGlade on Australia’s Shame and the Work to Be Done

Hannah McGlade on Australia’s Shame and the Work to Be Done

By Catherine Putz
“Aboriginal communities have been given a clear message by the majority of Australians that they are not respected, and that Australia remains a racist country.”

How Australia Failed Its Indigenous Communities, Again

How Australia Failed Its Indigenous Communities, Again

By Dechlan Brennan
The opposition Coalition and conservative media argued that the Voice would bring about a racial divide in the country. But it is already here, in clear view. 

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Australia Says ‘No’ to Indigenous Voice

Australia Says ‘No’ to Indigenous Voice

By Patricia O’Brien
The Indigenous Voice to Parliament has been strangled by hands seeking short-term political gains.

Australia Shirks Responsibility to Indigenous Communities With Rejected Voice Referendum

Australia Shirks Responsibility to Indigenous Communities With Rejected Voice Referendum

By Grant Wyeth
Rather than understand the responsibility Australia has for its Indigenous population, both the Liberal and National parties sensed political opportunity in opposing the Voice. 
Australia Moves Toward Vote on a Voice for First Nations People

Australia Moves Toward Vote on a Voice for First Nations People

By Grant Wyeth
No date has been announced for the referendum yet, but the decision has critical ramifications not just for First Nations people in Australia but Canberra’s international reputation.

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