
Aegis Ashore

Japan’s North Korea Missile Woes

Japan’s North Korea Missile Woes

By Thisanka Siripala
Japan is on high alert after a frenzied series of North Korean ballistic missile tests.

Making Sense of Japan’s Decision to Scrap Aegis Ashore Missile Defense

Making Sense of Japan’s Decision to Scrap Aegis Ashore Missile Defense

By Ankit Panda
James Schoff joins the podcast to discuss Tokyo’s options on missile defense.
Japan Suspends Aegis Ashore Missile Defense Plans. What Happens Now?

Japan Suspends Aegis Ashore Missile Defense Plans. What Happens Now?

By Ankit Panda
Tokyo scraps plans for two expensive missile defense installations. Will another system replace Aegis Ashore?

Japan to Scrap Costly Land-Based US Missile Defense System

Japan to Scrap Costly Land-Based US Missile Defense System

By Associated Press
Japan’s Defense Ministry announced it would drop plans to deploy the Aegis Ashore system, citing safety concerns.

Japan Cuts One Aegis Ashore Site Amid Sustained Local Opposition

Japan Cuts One Aegis Ashore Site Amid Sustained Local Opposition

By Ankit Panda
Japanese authorities will survey new candidate sites nearby.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Lockheed Martin Wins Contract Modification for Japan Aegis Ashore Batteries

Lockheed Martin Wins Contract Modification for Japan Aegis Ashore Batteries

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The U.S. defense firm’s contract for the delivery of two Aegis Ashore systems to Japan is now worth $3.2. billion.

Japanese Defense Minister Tours Aegis Ashore Test Site in Hawaii

Japanese Defense Minister Tours Aegis Ashore Test Site in Hawaii

By Ankit Panda
Kono toured the test complex for an advanced ballistic missile defense system that Japan is procuring.
Japan Awards Contract to Lockheed Martin for 2 Solid State Radars for Aegis Ashore Batteries

Japan Awards Contract to Lockheed Martin for 2 Solid State Radars for Aegis Ashore Batteries

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan’s defense ministry has awarded a contract for the delivery of two SSR antenna sets for two planned land-based Aegis Ashore ballistic missile defense systems.

Japan's Aegis Ashore System Hits a Roadblock: Domestic Politics

Japan's Aegis Ashore System Hits a Roadblock: Domestic Politics

By Mina Pollmann
Local opposition, and a poorly handled government explanation, have delayed deployment of the new systems.

Russia’s Objections to Japan’s Aegis Ashore Decision

Russia’s Objections to Japan’s Aegis Ashore Decision

By Guy Plopsky
A dubious Russian assumption is behind Moscow's opposition to the missile defense system.

Russia Opposes Japan's Decision to Deploy Aegis Ashore

Russia Opposes Japan's Decision to Deploy Aegis Ashore

By Ankit Panda
Russia believes the deployment of these systems will undermine its interests.
How Japan Reacted to North Korea's Ballistic Missile Overflight of Its Territory

How Japan Reacted to North Korea's Ballistic Missile Overflight of Its Territory

By Mina Pollmann
Japan enters a new era of North Korean provocations with great unease.

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