
Afghan women's rights

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What Does a Taliban School Curriculum Look Like?

What Does a Taliban School Curriculum Look Like?

By Lauryn Oates
Out: depictions of living things, human rights, foreign inventors, and elections. In: the “seeds of hatred against Western countries” and the rest of the Taliban’s core ideology. 
Taliban to Allow High School Graduation Exams for Afghan Girls

Taliban to Allow High School Graduation Exams for Afghan Girls

By Rahim Faiez
Afghan girls have been banned from high school classrooms but with little advance notice will be allowed one day to take graduation exams. 

Nargis Nehan and Yalda Royan on Afghan Women Fighting for Their Rights

Nargis Nehan and Yalda Royan on Afghan Women Fighting for Their Rights

By Catherine Putz
“After the collapse of the state, everything changed for Afghan women.”

Students Killed in Attack on Education Center in Kabul’s Hazara Neighborhood

Students Killed in Attack on Education Center in Kabul’s Hazara Neighborhood

By Catherine Putz
Another tragedy in the largely Hazara Dashti Barchi neighborhood. Another tragedy for Afghanistan’s women. 

Empowering Afghan Women and Their Civil Resistance

Empowering Afghan Women and Their Civil Resistance

By Mojib Rahman Atal
It is not surprising why many Afghan women see their life under the Taliban as “death in slow motion.”
Understanding the Taliban’s War on Women 

Understanding the Taliban’s War on Women 

By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
The Taliban’s regressive ideology lies at the heart of its political program. It was naive to believe the group would ever give it up.

Speak Up on Behalf of Afghan Women

Speak Up on Behalf of Afghan Women

By Heather Barr
What is happening right now in Afghanistan is the most serious women’s rights crisis in the world today.
Taliban Storm Kabul Apartment, Arrest Activist and Her Sisters

Taliban Storm Kabul Apartment, Arrest Activist and Her Sisters

By Kathy Gannon
The activist, Tamana Zaryabi Paryani, was among about 25 women who took part in an anti-Taliban protest on Sunday against the compulsory Islamic headscarf, or hijab, for women.

With Taliban Government Announcement Looming, Afghanistan’s Women Worry and Protest

With Taliban Government Announcement Looming, Afghanistan’s Women Worry and Protest

By Catherine Putz
The Taliban have said that women will be allowed to work, but “within the framework of Shariah.” If history is any guide, the Taliban's interpretation will be strict.

Women’s Education: Afghanistan’s Biggest Success Story Now at Risk

Women’s Education: Afghanistan’s Biggest Success Story Now at Risk

By Laiq Zirack
With the withdrawal of the International community and U.S troops, serious setbacks are on the horizon for the education of girls in Afghanistan.

Afghan Lives Matter: What Price Would Afghans Have to Pay for Peace?

Afghan Lives Matter: What Price Would Afghans Have to Pay for Peace?

By Ritu Mahendru
“They have handed our country the way you hand over a book or a bottle of water... We were happy for the war to end, but we didn’t expect the end to be like this.”
The Implications of the US Troop Withdrawal for Afghan Women  

The Implications of the US Troop Withdrawal for Afghan Women  

By Saman Rizwan
If guarantees of preserving progress in women’s rights are not included in any potential political settlement, they remain prone to reverses. 

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