Afghanistan Election Commission

Why Are Afghanistan’s Elections Crucial?
By Noah Coburn
How this week’s parliamentary elections will reshape Afghanistan’s political future.

Afghan Parliamentary Elections: Huffing and Puffing, But Missing the Bigger Picture
By Nafay Choudhury
The current focus on the shortcomings of the IEC risks overshadowing the bigger problems of electoral representation.

A Coup Is Brewing in Afghanistan
By Zachary Keck
All signs suggest that Hamid Karzai is considering a coup to stay in power in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan’s 2014 Run-Off Election: An Observer’s Account
By Srinjoy Bose
An independent observer of the 2014 Afghan general elections offers his impressions of Afghanistan’s 2014 run-off vote.

Taliban Ramp Up Violence Ahead of Afghan Election
By Ankit Panda
A group of Taliban gunmen and suicide bombers attacked Afghanistan's Independent Electoral Commission in Kabul.
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