
Afghanistan Election

Peace, Politics, & Afghanistan’s Next President

Peace, Politics, & Afghanistan’s Next President

By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
Afghanistan's presidential race heats up amid peace talks with Taliban insurgents.

Despite Security Threats, Afghans Went to the Polls

Despite Security Threats, Afghans Went to the Polls

By Ahmad Shah Katawazai
Afghanistan successfully held its parliamentary elections last weekend amid security threats .
Why Are Afghanistan’s Elections Crucial?

Why Are Afghanistan’s Elections Crucial?

By Noah Coburn
How this week’s parliamentary elections will reshape Afghanistan’s political future.

Ashraf Ghani and a Game of Fiefdoms

Ashraf Ghani and a Game of Fiefdoms

By Shawn Snow
Is the president being too ambitious in his effort to end corruption in Afghanistan?

The Top Ten Stories in South Asia, 2014

The Top Ten Stories in South Asia, 2014

By Alyssa Ayres
A look at the events in 2014 likely to have the most lasting impact on the region and beyond.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

10 Priorities for Afghanistan’s New President

10 Priorities for Afghanistan’s New President

By Tamim Asey
Now that a power-sharing deal has been done, these are the most urgent tasks for the new government.

Interview: Carlotta Gall

Interview: Carlotta Gall

By Sanjay Kumar
Carlotta Gall on her book The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan, 2001-2014. and the future of a troubled region.
The Future of Afghanistan

The Future of Afghanistan

By Shannon Tiezzi
Interview: Andrew Wilder on the recent elections in Afghanistan and how to secure the country post-2014

Afghanistan's Election Tipping Point

Afghanistan's Election Tipping Point

By Ankit Panda
Allegations of fraud could destabilize Afghanistan at a critical juncture in its history.

Post-Election Afghanistan to Repeat History?

Post-Election Afghanistan to Repeat History?

By Arif Sahar
Given history and political realities, coalition building could play a major role in Afghanistan in the coming months.

Afghanistan Presidential Run-Off Vote to Take Place on June 14

Afghanistan Presidential Run-Off Vote to Take Place on June 14

By Ankit Panda
Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani will participate in a run-off vote for the Afghan presidency on June 14.
Afghan Election Runoff: Calling Obama and Karzai

Afghan Election Runoff: Calling Obama and Karzai

By Akmal Dawi
The runoff faces security and political risks. The two rivals should cooperate in avoiding them.

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