Afghanistan Islamic Emirate

Women’s Rights in Afghanistan: Will the Taliban Adhere to CEDAW?
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
In 2003, Afghanistan ratified the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, but the Taliban do not see their government as a continuation of the former Afghan regime.

Do the Taliban Have Transnational Ambitions?
By Maryam Baryalay and Abdul Mateen Imran
The Taliban’s Arabic-language manifesto provides a blueprint for establishing an Islamic Emirate that could be applied outside Afghanistan.

International Aid in Afghanistan Must Lay Foundations for Development
By Alexander Matheou
It is more urgent than ever that Afghan national actors are placed center-stage.

What Kind of Government Do Afghans Want?
By Yaqub Ibrahimi
A political settlement in Afghanistan will require an agreement on regime type: electoral democracy versus emirate. What do the people prefer?
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