Afghanistan natural resources

Catalyzing Renewable Energy: Path to Afghanistan’s Economic Revival
By Hamayun Khan
Developing water, solar and wind power could reduce Afghanistan’s import of electricity from abroad and help it emerge a regional renewable energy hub.

Taliban Settle Oil Deal With Chinese Company
By Catherine Putz
The Taliban's new deal is actually a repeat of a previous contract signed by the former Republic government with CNPC in 2011. That deal's fate should temper expectations.

Will Afghanistan's Minerals Shape Trump's Policy Toward the Region?
By Ahmad Shah Katawazai
Afghanistan's mineral wealth could help kickstart the economy, but beware of the resource curse.

Why Afghanistan Should Join CPEC
By Anurag Ram Chandran
Trilateral cooperation between Afghanistan, China, and Pakistan on the Belt and Road would benefit all three states.

Afghanistan’s Mineral Wealth: Prosperity or Curse?
By Tamim Momeni
Without aggressive action, the mineral-rich country could fall victim to the resource curse.

Afghanistan: Wealthy But Unprepared
By Andong Peng and Richard Ghiasy
Afghanistan’s natural resources require a well-planned, long-term strategy. Can it come up with one?

Afghanistan’s Mineral Wealth – Fact or Fiction?
Afghanistan’s mineral deposits hold promise, but bringing such wealth to market will be a challenge.
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