Afghanistan parliament

Afghan Parliamentary Elections Marred by Technical Troubles and Insecurity
By Franz J. Marty
Despite security risks and technical difficulties, Afghanistan goes to the polls.

The Illusion of Afghanistan's Upcoming Parliamentary Elections
By Nafay Choudhury
Fixing Afghanistan’s broken electoral system requires reforms that alter its fundamental operation.

Why Are Afghanistan’s Elections Crucial?
By Noah Coburn
How this week’s parliamentary elections will reshape Afghanistan’s political future.

Can Afghanistan Manage to Hold an Election in 2018?
By Catherine Putz
All signs point to "no."

Power Struggle Continues Inside Afghan Government
By Catherine Putz
With all this politicking, it’s easy to see why Afghans and Afghanistan’s allies alike are frustrated and confused.

Afghan Parliament Goes on a Firing Spree
By Catherine Putz
A government with legitimacy crisis, a parliament with a grudge, and headless ministries are a recipe for disaster.
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