
Afghanistan peace deal

Even After a Peace Agreement, Afghanistan’s Future Unclear

Even After a Peace Agreement, Afghanistan’s Future Unclear

By Milad Naeimi
Yet another elite-based peace agreement, rather than one centered on the people, simply assures a future conflict in Afghanistan.

COVID-19 in Afghanistan: Going Beyond a Ceasefire

COVID-19 in Afghanistan: Going Beyond a Ceasefire

By Ben Francis
A ceasefire is necessary to give all Afghans the best possible chance of defeating their common enemy: COVID-19. But there are limitations.
Afghanistan: War in the Time of Coronavirus

Afghanistan: War in the Time of Coronavirus

By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
Despite a peace deal and the devastating spread of COVID-19, the Afghan war sill rages on.

Afghanistan: Between Hope and Hopelessness

Afghanistan: Between Hope and Hopelessness

By Daud Khattak
The biggest obstacle to peace is no longer the Taliban, but the political fractures in Kabul.

China Pledges Support for US-Taliban Peace Agreement

China Pledges Support for US-Taliban Peace Agreement

By Associated Press
 China on Monday pledged its support for the U.S.-Taliban peace agreement in Afghanistan and called for the "orderly and responsible" withdrawal of foreign troops to avoid a power vacuum and possible terrorist resurgence.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Trump Express Optimism for US Peace Deal With Taliban

Trump Express Optimism for US Peace Deal With Taliban

By Associated Press
 President Donald Trump said Sunday he's ready to sign a peace deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan if a temporary truce holds in America's longest war.

US, Taliban to Begin Countdown to Afghan Peace Deal

US, Taliban to Begin Countdown to Afghan Peace Deal

By Associated Press
There are many uncertainties as an apparent deal is set for settlement this month.
The Pitfalls in Afghanistan’s Peace Process

The Pitfalls in Afghanistan’s Peace Process

By Daud Khattak
A US-Taliban peace agreement seems closer than ever, but the whole thing could unravel when it comes time for intra-Afghan talks.

For Peace in Afghanistan, the Economy Is Key

For Peace in Afghanistan, the Economy Is Key

By Gul Maqsood Sabit
Before and after any peace agreement, a healthy Afghan economy is essential.

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